Day 2,271, 19:11 Published in Poland Poland by Twardy Fred

alimak wrote 1 hours ago
Jestem bliska osiągnięcia medalu i w związku z tym braknie mi tylko 7 golda, ale czy ktokolwiek z nocnych marków zechce mi je pożyczyć?
2 · Comment

alimakbez tego cały mój wysiłek pójdzie na marne 🙁
1 hours ago·Report
koli341Poszło, ale chyba za późno 🙁
2 minutes ago·Report
MariusDanzigus wrote 4 hours ago
37 reg.zalicza
-to co dowódca
-Manitoba dla PL

Quassa wrote 7 hours ago
Dlaczego znów moge odnowić tylko 20 energii? Jeszcze przed 2 godzinami odnawiałem 30...
7 · Comment

Kris0211Bo Plato
7 hours ago·Report
Quassatyle to i ja wiem 😉
7 hours ago·Report
MR07UTo kara za niebicie 😃
7 hours ago·Report
kacper5422Jeśli dalej tak pójdzie to do jutra będziesz miał z 5...
7 hours ago·Report
Vierija z kolei się zastanawiam dlaczego moge odnowic 30 energii
6 hours ago·Report
Spinacz86ja mam +30 do dnia 2285. why?
6 hours ago·Report
The Awesome One20 z weekly challenge i 10 jako nagroda z Turnieju
5 hours ago·Report

degim wrote 8 hours ago
Skąd się wzięło to błogosławieństwo w postaci kontraktu 99% off?
4 · Comment

8 hours ago·Report
Dobro powracaTo bug jakiś, żeby Cię za czity tylko nie zbanowali 😉
8 hours ago·Report
degim😛 heheu
8 hours ago·Report
kosmixbłogo spadło z nieba jak GROM choć trafiło do PCA
7 hours ago·Report


Ovalni Chmar wrote 1 hours ago
lol hungary u have more haters then fyrom and thats really hard to achieve
good job lmao
24 · Comment · Vote

Davorsk8still licking greek ass I see...
1 hours ago·Vote·1
Ovalni Chmarwtf? im not talking about greece... wtf are u talking about
1 hours ago·Vote
1 hours ago·Vote
nele7Chmar je popularan !!!
1 hours ago·Vote
Davorsk8I thought the fyrom thing will end since a proserb cp won in greece...but oh well...I guess real ass lickers dont quit 🙂
1 hours ago·Vote
Ovalni Chmarso if i call u by ur name im licking greek a**?

cmon lmao dont be stupid
just learn some history
greece has nothing to do with my shout
1 hours ago·Vote
Davorsk8keep licking maybe someday the will choose you over the serbs 🙂

PS:I think its stupid that you troll the serbs for ass licking
1 hours ago·Vote
Ovalni Chmarlmao well as i thought ur stupid..

if greece choose serbia
that doesnt mean ur name will change bro..

ur country is made by tito ur stealing their history..
some erep stuffs wont change that.. get over it and stop spam my shout with such a bullsh*t
1 hours ago·Vote
Davorsk8Wanna know what else is unchangeable?

The fact that you licked more ass than the entire serbian community.
1 hours ago·Vote
ObIiterateDavorsk8 nobody cares.
1 hours ago·Vote
ObersoldatTo former Macedonians, now FYROManians. When we had that MPP, I actually did not mind, since Greeks left us, and I was like, efff it. We'll make it work out, it will take a long time, but what a hell. I was pro renewal of that MPP. But then you came to our RW's to fight against us. Then and there it was over for me. So nobody is licking anyone's ass, you are fyrom because you effed up, and not because of Greece.
1 hours ago·Vote
Ovalni Chmar😃D
1 hours ago·Vote
Davorsk8Im not talking about croatian players,just this Ovalni Asshole 🙂
1 hours ago·Vote
AttilaBledai don't agree abt stealing history. how can we know that today's greeks are relatives of those ancient greeks?.. after many invasions during centuries and especially after 400 years of population exchange politics of ottoman... if there are history thieves around the first one is greece.

but it's a late hour to discuss it, i have insomnia thats all 🙂
1 hours ago·Vote·1
Ovalni Chmarobersoldat is polish 😃

davorsk whatever u say but ur still fyrom
1 hours ago·Vote·1
R4gerI have an idea hhmmm, let's talk about the game.
one hour ago·Vote·1
RomperSpeaking about the game, why is Hungary forever alone? Top 5 on their side are always Hungarians 😃
Nobody cares if they lose all their bonuses?
55 minutes ago·Vote
Ovalni Chmarfyrom cares!
54 minutes ago·Vote
It's a finished campaign that's all. If you check the earlier (and more important) rounds, you can see a lot of mmp's damage.
What is your opinion for your question?

@Ovalni can you please stop laughing for them? 🙂
40 minutes ago·Vote
Romperyou made me check 😛
In 4 rounds there are total of 3 foreigners. All 3 are Serbs, and one of them hit less than I hit with food fights 😛
So I have to conclude that Huns are forever alone. Why? Maybe because everyone knows that HunRom "friendship" is a potential disaster so they are pushing the weak out. And tbh Hungary is nowhere near their former strength.
33 minutes ago·Vote
RomperThey always picked allies based on strength, so it seems like poetic justice that now that they are weak, they are being replaced 🙂
31 minutes ago·Unvote·1
nele7Hungary is empire !!
30 minutes ago·Vote
RomperNot for long 😃
22 minutes ago·Vote
R4gerYou just check on campaign top 5 as i can understand.
By the way your comment was accurate, especially for the current Hungarian foreign policy issue. It mean's that they are not forever-alone, can you say just that they aren't so beloved. 🙂

For me, i think they may need a couple of time to "fix" that issue. Because they are still on them problem of "find something strong for us" too.

@nele7 just until the next sunset. 🙂
18 minutes ago·Vote