The Progressive Party of Canada

Day 427, 18:38 Published in Canada Canada by 1ronman

Hello eCanada,

My name is 1ronman, and I am the current Vice-President of the Progressive Party of Canada.
I have had experience with the CAF, MeSu, and as a Congressmen of Alberta. The Canadian Progressive Party of Canada is currently led by Joey Phillips. The Canadian Progressive Party is a fast growing party looking to make Canada a better place. We started with only 4 members a few days ago and we have now grown to 20 members. The Progressive Party of Canada was formerly a party by the name of Commonground League created by Stuck Last May. I would personally like to thank him for allowing us to reform his party into what is now the Progressive Party of Canada (the now dead Canadian Progressive Front).

I would also like to introduce our new forums. I ask that all Party Members sign up and post in the New Members section. If any of you have questions or comments regarding our party feel free to message Joey or myself or post on the forums

And Here is our current Platform:

PPC on Military: Our goal is to increase the military budget and resources within reason. The Progressive Party of Canada plans to continue to encourage citizens to register into the Canadian Armed Forces without disenfranchising or making second class citizens of those who don’t. We would like to see all active Canadian Super Soldiers (Level 5 Strength and above) to have a moving ticket to every ATLANTIS conflict and 2 to 5 weapons per day of combat depending on the region and the trivia strength of the Citizen. Although this would be subject to limitation due to the finite budget eCanada has.

PPC on Health Care: The PPC ensures that Canada will continue to construct our health care system so that smaller regions may have the high quality health care enjoyed by the larger provinces.

PPC on Sovereignty and Foreign Affairs: The Progressive Party of Canada, along with most of our rivals, want to keep Canada independent and sovereign. We will continue to support our allies in ATLANTIS with all of our means possible.

PPC on the Dollar Value: The Progressive Party of Canada advocates for the government of Canada to guide the dollar value towards a healthy and stable level of inflation. This way our gold reserves aren’t dumped needlessly into the market where foreign traders make a killing from our mistakes.

PPC on Trade and business: The Progressive Party of Canada will pressure the current administration in selling the goods from crown corporations at or above market value. Why bite the hand that feeds you? If Canada is to survive, Canadian businesses need to survive. Plain and simple. Rather than a policy of punishing Canadian companies for naturally competition we will support them and the PPC will never ask General Managers to lower the wages of its workers. If a worker is worth that much then they deserve it. We also want to counter the current problem of massive rates of import verses our level of export.

PPC on Taxes: The PPC strongly believes in a Flat but Fair policy towards taxation a even 10% Business Income, 50% import tax, and 10% Value Add tax (Sales Tax) on all sectors of the economy, with the exception of hospitals and defense systems. This taxation policy is slightly higher than the current one in some areas but it supports our spending needs, which is what Canada needs to create a balanced budget without creating a monthly deficit like in January.

PPC on Social Services: The Progressive Party of Canada will continue to support the Ministry of Social Services by advocating to get the necessary funds to help new active citizens and get the wellness of active workers up to maintain high production is all sectors of the economy.

Vice-President of the Progressive Party of Canada