The Problem Facing The Pakistan Health Service & Why I Have Not Given Up Yet

Day 2,243, 09:58 Published in Pakistan United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

The Pakistan Health Service was set up to help new players with food. Unfortunately, I have been unable to get it running for the following reason.

Lack Of Players

With the small amount of new members in Pakistan everyday and a very small amount of those who reply to messages sent out. It is very difficult to grow a base of players who can use the scheme. There is only one solution with this problem, which is to continue efforts to message new players and to try and introduce them to the scheme. I would have liked to have had a few members by now. But this is not what has happened.

Why I Haven't Given Up

This is obviously a idea which needs time to develop. I hope the continued efforts are not in vain. But I shall be continuing to try and message new players. As I do believe this idea can help Pakistan. It's just getting the first few members and retaining them.

Thanks for Reading!
-FightAndProduce (Bumbling eRep nobody :3)