The Liberal Party of Australia - Fighting for a Stronger eAustralia

Day 789, 16:40 Published in Australia USA by Pizza The Hut

There has been much said of our new, reformed party, much of it is unfortunately based on lies and mistruths. I hope to set the record straight on what the LPA stands for, why we best represent the interests of the eAustralian people, and why you should consider joining our great party. Firstly, there seems to be some confusion over the ideology of our party. Let me make it clearer than the waters of the Great Barrier Reef.....

* What does it mean to be a "Liberal"?
-More than simply identifying as liberal or conservative, the very essence of liberalism is liberty. This should appeal to individuals of all ideological stripes. We will never condemn anyone who does not share the same beliefs as others within the party. We believe in freedom of thought, expression, democratic principles, free markets, and free nations. These are universal concepts which traverse the ideological spectrum. We have not turned our backs on the heritage of this party and its values, but we have simply focused the message and clarified the definition.

* Why is my election being labeled a "PTO"?
-A "PTO" or a political-take over, is a tactic used by agents of foreign governments with the intention of using shady means to seize control of a nation's political system. I have been labeled this because I disagree with the elites in the party(all of whom have since left, which shows that they didn't even care to try to work with my administration) and I did not agree with the idea that only one candidate, pre-selected by a handful of people on the forums has the right to run. Only a handful of members of the party voted for my opponent, who did not even bother to campaign, and even used the party organisation for his own campaigns purposes, while the support for my message was resounding. This, my friends, is not a PTO, this is democracy in action. The burden of proving my supposed malevolent intentions are on the accusers. When we sink to the level of throwing out accusations with no evidence to back them up, based off of political anger at a newcomer achieving power and upsetting the establishment, we set a dangerous precedent for the future.

* What can we expect for the future?
-I am a proud eAustralian. I love my country and I intend to do my best to continue to serve it and to help lead it to the position of prominence to which it is entitled and deserves to hold in the eWorld. If you are running for Parliament, please contact me so I may assist you in running a successful campaign. Following the Parliamentary elections, we will hold a free and fair primary to decide on our candidate for Prime Minister. For the moment, my name is locked in simply as a placeholder so that our party's banner is proudly displayed on the list of candidates. I want to involve everyone in this party and its future, not simply a small inner circle which corrupts many parties. The Liberal Party of Australia represents the will of the people and we will always stand up and fight to defend Australia.

Let us unite as Australians. Let us come together and work towards a better Australia.

Pizza The Hut
LPA Party President
MP for Western Australia