The Labour Party Candidates

Day 1,555, 15:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Stilpo

Greetings fellow citizens!

With the next congress elections just around the corner, The Labour Party asks that you keep us in mind as one of the parties that are worthy of your vote this month. Although we may be small in numbers compared to some other parties in Ireland, we are big in spirit, dedication and experience. And above all we always put Ireland first. Because of this, most of the Labour Party candidates have pledged to donate ALL five gold that they get from their congress medal to the national treasury to help fund MPPs.

Please take a moment to read about the officially endorsed Labour Party candidate in your region before you cast your vote.

Cork: Dan Breen

“I've been Irish CP before (under CelticTiger211) and in that term I founded the IA. I was the most successful minister for recruitment we've ever had and I will be using my skills in that department to drive the Dail toward recruitment.
“I will donate the full 5g to the treasury.”

Dublin: Flaco Jimenez

“My name means skinny and is my RL nickname. I started eRep in 2008 and have served as MoF, Congressman, and CP. I plan on being an active congressman and making sure our taxes do the best work possible.”
"I will donate the 5 gold if elected."

Wexford: Fear Malice

“I've been playing eRepublik for almost 2 years. I've been MoFA 3x and a TD 5x. I honestly don't have any specific goals. Truthfully most of the laws will be MPP's but we'll see what happens. Plus if you've been here a bit you will know that I am god. That is all.”

Rip Riley

“I want to help make a difference in e Ireland. I hope to get a better view of it internal workings. I hope to make friends.”
“I will donate 100% of gold from being elected if I get in and I’m not just doing this for the badge... I would donate it too if I could.”

Mayo: Stilpo

“I am the current president of The Labour Party. I have been playing eRep for over two years and have been a citizen of Ireland for at least half of that time. My political experience includes seven terms in congress in Ireland and Belgium, three terms as MoFA in Belgium and one term as VP in Belgium. If elected to office I pledge to keep the minimum wage low to support our vital MU communes, vote smart on economic and military issues, do my part to keep out PTOers, and above all work with an open mind with anyone who puts forth a good idea to congress regardless of what party they are from.”
“I will donate all of my congress medal gold to the national treasury (just like every other time I have been elected to congress).”

Louth: Saneth Hill

Shannon: WalterP1

As always, best of luck to all (legitimate) parties and candidates! We are looking forward to a clean and fun election.

President of The Labour Party