The Economist ~ Cleaning up this town

Day 1,363, 08:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Spite313

Apologies to my international audience, this article is purely UK related, though no doubt some of you share my frustration with corruption and cheating in the game. Please vote this up anyway! 🙂

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Dear friends

In the past few weeks, UK Reform have overtaken The Unity Party as the lead party in the UK. They have gloated in the media, insulted us on the forums, and generally been very poor winners about it. But what is the cost of this victory? Electoral corruption, cheating and the general abandoning of any sort of moral high ground.

When I first joined this game, UKRP stood as the most upright party in the UK. They condemned any practice that was remotely corrupt. Nowadays, I see them as nothing more than a vote scrambling machine, trying to grasp at any bar to lift them higher. The few upright voices left in the party- like my old friend and battlefield nemesis Thatcher- are ignored or sidelined by a morally void majority. They have become nothing more than a vehicle for their own electoral success.

I would rather LOSE than win in such a fashion.

Several weeks ago a UKRP congressman (Smack Dat) was elected in part due to buying votes. He sent messages to people offering them weapons in exchange for their votes. UKRP not only DID NOT condemn him for this, they said that it was “ok” and that because of the fact most citizens lived in London, buying peoples vote was ok. Sound too ridiculous to be true?

According to the UKRP vice president, bribing people is just “part of democracy”. Well If it is, it’s not a democracy we want to be part of.

UKRP promised an investigation into the claims, but what happened because of it? Absolutely nothing. In fact, Smack let in an American (ignoring the citizenship procedure) later that month. Again, nothing was done.

Here we see Dish (Party President of UKRP at the time) saying that he will be deselected in the next election, or if not, blocked by other parties...did it happen? No.

For those of you who are wondering where Smack Dat is now, he’s in America, 5g richer, fighting against the UK and our allies as a member of the US Special Forces.

But this is only the beginning of how low the UK has began to sink. Anything goes these days, provided you have enough cronies to come along and condone it even the most obvious corruption and poison will be forgotten within time. Whether it is concerted trolling to make someone quit, or simply ignoring the rules when it suits them, some members of the community will stoop to nothing to get ahead.

But it isn’t the random madman which annoys me. We have had one or two in TUP ourselves- few will forget Aidizzle who published sensitive information publicly in one of the more memorable rage quits of recent times. The difference is that we refuse to run people who do that sort of thing. Unfortunately, banned and otherwise disreputable players can always find a home elsewhere.

It’s got to the point where I actually don’t bother pointing out how wrong some things are. I can anticipate the comments: “bawww it’s because TUP lost the election”...”It’s just a game we can do what we like”. Games depend on people working together, and right now this community is divided and torn apart. New players join the game in an environment where cheating and corruption is condoned, and where backhanders and nepotism are just part of the job.

Into this sewer we have a new scandal thrust- blatant multi-accounting. You might have seen in the past few days a series of vitriolic trolling articles posted by various UKRP members. One of which was claiming that TUP used multi accounts- which is a blatant lie by the way. It was later discovered that the author of the article was none other than a multi account of the UKRP Director of Recruitment Snowderblazer. On closer investigation, dozens of other UKRP multi accounts were discovered, as well as some in other parties including TUP.

Though UKRP has been gaining in strength lately, this in part explains their incredible leap in both voting power and membership- faster than the actual growth of the UK. At one point, almost 100% of new players were joining UKRP. Even when TUP was twice the size of UKRP that never happened. Cheating to make your party look better would normally be a major scandal in the UK, but in the wake of so many others, and in a political atmosphere where attacking such immoral actions is seen as “butthurt” I doubt there will be much backlash. Some people were even suggesting he shouldn’t be removed from positions of authority because he is a strong citizen, and we know admins don’t ban gold-buyers.

I know a lot of members of my party, as well as the remaining honest few in the UK political community, are considering quitting the UK. I have tried leaving twice already, but I can’t leave my friends behind.

Well I have come today to offer you, if not a solution, then a challenge. Today I am announcing I will be running for TUP Party President. Against waves of corruption, multis and immoral behaviour I propose we build a bulwark. In the past TUP has been seen as quasi-authoritarian because of our strict rules and zero tolerance policy. But in these times it is what we need.

We will build a party whose sole purpose will be to fight cronyism, to fight corruption, to fight cheaters. We won’t accept it in others, and we won’t accept it in ourselves. Any person found to be cheating or supporting cheating, or practicing corrupt actions will be immediately and permanently banned from TUP. Anyone outside the party found to be cheating, or to be corrupt, we will refuse to deal with or recognise as legitimate.

We are no longer the largest party, but what matters more than size is integrity. In a UK where people have no values, we will have values. Where people are dishonest, we will be honest. Where people routinely cheat, we will root out cheaters.

Some weeks ago I said I was going to found a new republic, where we would be an island of calm in a sea of turmoil. That republic is the new TUP, and we welcome all of the shipwrecked refugees from other parties. Don’t quit, be pro-active, fight for what you believe in.


I'll leave you with this