Sweetboy aka Sweet Drinker the early years and Kurganite

Day 2,086, 16:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

I already brought irrefutable proof that Sweet Drinker was a Nigerian scamster and ran a successful ponze scheme amongst his fellow Nigerians.

Here is the picture proof:

"Comrades I will improve your funds by 2000000%"

"This is how big your bank roll will be then . Ho ho ho ho"

"Pedro show them how big their bank roll!"

"Mmm their falling for my scheme"

"Comrades Africa was cruel to you we will fist Africa with our big bankroll"

3 Months later: "Now comrades I have great news . Our Egyptian accountant has produced this graph to show how our money has grown. You must of course read it from right to left."

This wasnt the only scheme he pulled he convinced several old folks to invest in a journey to the sun. One asked but wont you get burned to which be bravely replie😛 "NO WE WILL GO AT NITE"

Meanwhile a kunt epidemic hit eIreland and we needed a cure. Luckily there was found a strange glowing mineral near the hills of Croatia called kurganite.

Upon exposing kunts to kurganite .Scientist discovered that it caused much BUTTHURT amongst the kunts. As the leader of the kunts IBhoy1967 said I have intense butthurt and will now make silly comments to make me feel better. Many articles was written challenging Kurganite and expressing much pain and anger at kurganite over the butthurt. Unfortunately no cure for the effect of kurganite poisoning and subsequent butthurtiness has been discovered.

here is the irrefutable proof of kurganite

And the effects of butthurt on the kunts

the incidents of butthurt became so frequent a official form was introduced so that kunts could report butthurt.

the irrefutable proof is here:

There was so many cases of butthurt a support group was started the butthurt boys:

That is all!

ReleaseThe Krakken

Shielding you from lies since before the dawn of time

Indian Microsoft Scamsters Part II

Well since this is the quit article I will post the second part of the Indian Scamsters. Yesterday I got another call from them it was close to closing time and I was really not in the mood to mess with them for a long time:

So basically this is how it went

Indian Woman Scamster: Hello do you own a computer that runs Windows.

RTK : Yes

Indian Woman Scamster: We are from the Microsoft Help Desk and have been receiving lots of error reports from your computer.

RTK: When did you receive the last report?

IWS: Confused silence.

RTK : Was it at 2 o'clock

IWS: (She thinks she is back in the game) Yes

RTk: Because my computer was stolen yesterday.

IWS: Blah blah still harpering on about the error reports.

RTK: Can you track my computer?

IWS: [At this point she has not put 1 and 1 together and sees it as another opportunity to gain control of my computer]Yes


IWS:[PWNED] hangs up