Supreme Court Update D.1,273 ~ Comics Do Justice

Day 1,273, 22:19 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

I know people love these updates, so let’s make this one go International, or at least beat out Dr.Pain’s hep article.

Some characters in this game reach comic book proportions.
Living Tribunal should not be one of them.

It has been some time since the last Supreme Court Update and though the time was long, there is not much to report as the courts were quiet for once.

1) Olivermellors leaves the Supreme Court; PimpDollaz Patience Tested
Old news but still not yet reported in the media: The former Chief Justic left unexpectedly due to RL concerns as we were set to finalize the terms of PimpDollaz’ appeal of the case involving his forum ban for an unofficial & unreturned 666CAD donation from the CAD. That’s right, we’re still talking about more than a year later, but now hopefully not for long. The money was returned and the 6-week additional ban that was part of the original sentence was modified to 4 weeks. It’s quite possible a better result could have been had for PimpDollaz should his patience not have been tested beyond its limits and the Court been able to wrap up quickly without waiting for a new Chief Justice to be appointed and court quorum be met. Which brings us to…

…some get re-drawn into different interpretations ~ cute Minutemen…orly?...

2) Lavis Knight & Fox Blutch Appointed to the Supreme Court ~ Plugson As Chief
After olivermellors’ departure, the court did resume with 2 new appointments and one, you could say, promotion. It took some time to straighten out a few details, yet the good news is that we now have a complement of 4 Justices which is 1 above the 3 mandatory appointments needed to meet quorum should a Justice step down, which brings us to… here's the real Hooded Justice for clarity sake, who may be a knock-off of somebody we all remember.

3) Chief Justice Plugson Steps Down (or at least takes a break to go on vacation)
I have contacted CP Kazuo Leblanc about my final day of service on May 23rd or at least my absence during which a selected replacement from the current roster of Justices will fill my position while I tour Korea. Who takes my spot will depend on if a nomination is proposed and probably who is CP in the next 48 hours, which sort of brings us to…

...some get remade into live-action movies ~ most dreaded one-liners ever, Stallone

4) Legal Issues Wrack Congress
That sounds more dramatic than it may actually be. There is one primary matter that Congress is sorting through that the Supreme Court has noted and has prepared to respond to should we be called upon to do so: The Treasury Bond Program Act and the issue of its current vacancy/new appointment. Like the Hon. Muglack in his recent article, this is not an invitation to bring the matter to the courts but merely to express our readiness should it come to that. I know I would prefer it not to, just as Muglack does, too. I hope that the The Treasury Bond Act Amendment Proposal meets the approval of all those involved, or at least settles the matter in a legal sense, which in a big stretch brings us to…

5) The Olivermellors’ Clerkship Program
The members of the SC have been biding our quiet time (it never lasts long does it?) to dicuss in-house matters, in particular the Clerkship Program initiated by olivermellors before his sudden departure. With the help of 00AngryMobMan00 (yes, the zeroes matter), we have developed a folder system that may incorporate clerks into the Supreme Court. After the recent appointment of AMM as AG aftter the resig. of KT89 (this update is getting long so abb. now ~ so it goes), we hope to set this program in motion by finding roles/duties for clerks and developing a pool of talent that can be used to draw from when absences or complicated legal matters arise. There seems to be some agr. that the program be renamed after oliver for his contributions to the SC, who seems to be doing better atm judging by his re: in the eCan frm. We wish him well and would probably offer him a clerkship pos. if he meets the reqs. I know I might app. when I get back from ROK.

That’s yr SC updt. ~ c u l8tr
(who says brevity doesn’t lead to miscommunication ~ reduced word count rocks)

…but: “Finally, it would be good to be guided in all things by principles of honesty and good faith.”