Supreme Court Update 04/26: “There’s No Button For That”

Day 1,253, 22:23 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Hot air or makin’ bacon? – just a matter of perspective

To keep up with our very prolific Attorney General, Kilgore Trout 89, the Supreme Court of eCanada would like to also take a moment to update eCanadians on the legal ‘goings on’ that have been, well, going on in the judicial folder of the eCanada forums.

SC Vacancy: Justice Resigns

Don’t let the door pinch your peruke on the way out

This weekend, Petz resigned his position as a Justice for the courts. He cited a busy workload in the real world, yet expressed interest in returning to courts in some role when he has more available time in the future. Petz has been one of the more colourful Justices since the time of saltydog/Steve, with his motions in the Supreme Court bringing some extra spark to our proceedings. I’m going to miss the direct approach Petz took and hope we can find a replacement who can express the same unequivocal findings.

Even with the vacancy, the Supreme Court can continue to function with its required minimum of 3 Justices. Over the next month, it is quite likely that other vacancies will come up and we hope there are new, interested, and able faces to help take up this rather unique position in eRepublik (dare we say the only Consitutionally-backed court in all eRep?).
Which then brings us too…

SC Clerkship Program

Passionate Paralegals apply within

Chief Justice olivermellors recently proposed a program that would help prepare interested citizens for service in the Supreme Court. You might call it a legal mentorship program, and hopefully not designed to set us up with an office gopher.

There is currently a public discussion/announcement about the concept and we encourage people with interest or ideas to chime in:

As we continue to develop the idea, I’d like to explain why a program would be quite beneficial to the courts and the rest of the forum culture of eCanada. In the past, Justices were nominated by the President and voted onto the bench by Congress. There was limited review of ‘credentials,’ or interest and attitudes for prospective Justices. Just the same, there really wasn’t a system in place to help develop the skills or knowledge of people interested in the legal aspect of the forums (ie. management of the Constitution and its related Acts). Therefore, the President and Congress really had no way to determine who would be fit for the job, leaving many nominations as a bit of a gamble over the results. The Clerkship Program should be seen as a pro-active attempt to foster a pool of people who can replace aging and crotchety Justices. I would hope that this will be a preventative measure that will keep the courts from falling into inactivity due to a lack of the required number of active Justices (min. 3 to a max. of 5).

PimpDollaz Case: Dude, Where’s My Masking?

Some of you may recall the details of one of eCanada’s longest active cases. It began with a lulzy donation of 666 CAD and has lasted with the ban of PimpDollaz from the forum for refusing to repay the amount or initiate a proper appeal of the case. Mind you, several people have tried to start an appeal or review of the case, but so far no one has stayed the course to see the process through. It’s quite likely that many of you feel Pimp has ‘served his time’ but since there is no way to snap our fingers and make it all go right again, then so it will be drawn out ever longer.

Which then brings us to a minor update in the PimpDollaz case. It was noticed recently that his masking may have been slightly modified to allow him to apply to and be accepted by the CAF. PimpDollaz then received masking as part of the CAF Regulars, most likely for several weeks. When the SC noted that his CAF masking contravened the court order for a forum ban, we requested that the forum admins revoke his CAF masking, which they immediately did. It seems that PimpDollaz may not have been informed of the change, and I’ve since PMed him about the misunderstanding. It’s been added to this update to help clarify any questions platoon members might have about why his access was removed and to hopefully encourage some sort of resolution of this case. This is a war game, and less a legal simulation. We should have our active citizens aim to join the military ranks and be able to engage in the politics of eCanada to their fullest extent.




Dude,who can help sort this out?

(if I’ve managed to channel your rapt attention so far into this article, then you may be interested in a somewhat related article and discussion, provided by our Attorney General:
AG – Judicial Ruling: Judicial Impeachments”)

Artorius Perim and the Case of the ‘Maybe Missing Funds But No One Is Really Sure Yet’ Clues

스티브’s clues say the money may have fallen in between the throne’s seat cushions

Dominik recently initiated a case alluded to earlier by Supabeasty that was based on allegations by other citizens on IRC or other such non-place on the internet. All I know for sure is that the Attorney General has taken up the case and is requesting that any clues to the mystery be registered with him. You can read the article on it here before it self-destructs in 10 seconds, starting….now:
AG – Request for Evidence

There ends your Supreme Court Update for April 26th, 2011 on Day 1,253 of the New World. Your comments on the quasi-existence of the non-game entity and related epithets about the parallel gaming universe on the forums are most welcome.