Sup Cana-bros

Day 874, 17:58 Published in Canada USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Dunno, been hanging here for a while and felt obligated to say hi.

Basically I got tired of seeing crap articles in the american media as a result of the poland/usa debacle, and wanted to try out something new. I'm also kinda tired of seeing America do silly things to set herself back. Naturally I did what any good bro would do and decided to crash at your place uninvited for a while to chill n stuff. Hopefully thats cool with you guys.

I also need the link to your guys' forums and irc channel, been meaning to start stoppin by there occasionally. Also, feel free to use the comment section of this article to inform me as to who the cool cats around here are.

-Choc, Ameri-bro

Also, I hear you guys like promoting international trade. A solid step in the right direction imo, and I hope to see more of them o/