Day 2,086, 01:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken
number of brainwashed players that reads articles but dont vote them minus actual voters:

Do you think Sweet secretly thinks about his sekrits as sweetkrits?

Appleman - "We have orgs they have money its going swimmingly with our finances"

Sweet - " I can state that we are doing great financially. How great is a state secrit"

Irishbhoy1967 - "Another successful con on the IRISH PEOPLE. How much will be my cut. [Rubs hands in glee] Guess that's another state secrit"

MrConway - 'I have returned . Why? That's a state secrit."

You are taken to a room inside the room is a box inside a kitten. You dont know if the kitten is death or alive. Now philosophers says he can be death or alive or in a state where he is neither death or alive(read up on it cant remember the logic). Anyone can tell you the kitten is alive but since you didnt open the box or cant see inside he maybe death as well. The opposite is also true.

So lets take Sweet 's 3 terms

Finances: State policy to release no data - Is the kitten death or alive. Sweet and Appleman is telling you that he is alive. Do we really know the status of that kitten?

Why we havent taken back our 1 region- Is the kitten death or alive. Sweet says we shouldnt take it because of Spain. Spain says wat? IBhoy has proudly in the past announced that he sold Dublin to the brits and have taken the money for himself.

Foreign Affairs - 1 Article by Bory where he is suddenly pro Cot. Many comments where he is pro TWO. Is the kitten death or is the kitten alive?

The same cabinet for 3 months some positions staffed with the same person for more than a year; Is there a kitten in that box?

the Irish people- knows what Ibhoy and gang is usually up to supports 3 terms of a Ibhoy compadre. your brains. - Are they death or alive?

Just wondering because lately I have my doubts. You never wonder about these things. the less I know the happier I Am. If Sweet says its going great. Its going great. Sweet is a financial guru but have provided no proof in all of his terms. Go and read up on the MO's of ponzi schemes. A professor said but its impossible about the new york one one cannot make that consistent an amount of money each month. eRepublik finances is a mess everyone is in a commune. Can we be making so much money? Your not thinking that means you dont have the right to complain if indeed this is a ponzi scheme and Sweet runs away with all of the money. You simply will never know since Appleman is always the de facto MOF choice.

But I know! How do you ask? Me and Kurgan and a few others have been in a secret organisation the name of we cannot reveal for fear of prosecution. Who the others is we cannot reveal also. Save to say we have people gathering information each month. This all is sekrit. Each month Kurgan , me and the third leader of our organisation who because of her/his many contacts do not which to be revealed receive reports from our department heads. Amongst which is the Finance department. Now I do not want to go into much detail for fear of being branded by Sweet as a so called traitor for revealing his state sekrits but Sweet and Appleman has been skimming an amount which totals now over 4 million from our state funds. In previous governments their activities was kept at a minimum FOR FEAR OF EXPOSURE.


Seanan Ian E Coleman , Sweet , Appleman and many kunt members is in a sekrit organisation in which they sekretly refer to themselves as "THE ILLUMINATI" Along time ago Irishbhoy who is a british citizen wanted to test the so called "inferiority" of the Irish people so devised an evil scheme whereby they would create characters which would be strongly associated with Irish culture etc. The plan was to control every aspect of eIreland so that they could plunder our state funds and even sell regions to their former country. Of course they were able to sway the british governments of the past to institute wars against us so that we could be dominated and eventually look for a hero that would bring us peace with No wars. or Naps.

this they did by paying massive bribes to British officials and congress members. It was then that we created a counter PP to their movement the ILP. You will see that how the ILP was created has for a long time remained an intriguing sekrit.
Our plans was successful and the Irish citizens finally came to see them for who they really are. They lost their power and went into hiding in the eUK to formulate their new plan. They knew that the key to success this time would require much patience. As their old enemies started quitting the game they saw an opportunity and slowly ebbed into our midst once again. First Appleman was sent to befriend the ILP and regain the position of MOF. With this position being secured their members could get daily strength training and advance to far superior warriors than was ever known before. This is how they got their second grip. Seanan was then a member of the ICA their military wing he quickly moved to the Irish Army which was also created by my organisation. Because of his superior strength and military might which was funded by supplying him with enough gold to fight almost continuously. At that time a few noob commanders were then in charge. They didnt see the dangers and we couldnt inform us as our game was to influence the populous in a very indirect way. It was hoped that we could keep both orgs a sekrit upon the day that they were finally vanquished.

With Seanan stationed in the military they had another important piece in their plans. Seanan quickly called in the presses for this army to be the number 1 army for every player to join it. With our entire military might under their control they could suppress CP that wanted to conquer eUk. Secretly they would stuff the opposing army with massive strength multies that would destroy our every effort.

MUFC was selected right about then. They needed a player with little people skills and that could be quickly be used as a scapegoat. They realized that they would need a government that fell into total chaos to get their final position CP. At that stage their efforts was hampered by having to share financial info and Irish Army info with "the prying eyes" as they referred to the then eIreland imbeciles as Irishbhoy1967 likes to call our populous.

The Endgame

Unbeknownst to us CUa was an idea of Ibhoy1967. He knew that Argentina was know for flopping on their allies and that their government was very corrupt. With a suitcase full of 5000 Gold he quickly pad for CUA and its war on Britain. Knowing MUFC only aim was to defeat eUk from his previous campaign he knew what MUFC reaction would be upon hearing the good news that the BIGGEST NATION wanted to be our friends. MUFC was controlled like a puppet and his term ended in much infamy. It was time for the endgame. IBHOY did not take account of the intense dislike there was still towards him stemming from the one night he by accident and wasted because as apom he cant handle his liquor revealed he has sold Dublin. With an anger that lead to his room in his mom's basement being destroyed he was defeated in the CP race. It was time to pull a RL time Nigerian 500 operator and "Help me get my millions out of the country "scamster into the limelight. SweetboyNigeria was hated even among his fellow scamsters for operating a ponzi scheme on them. What is every Irish person favorite hobby? "drinking" Sweetboy quickly became Sweet Drinker and used his massive scamster charm to dupe the irish people. After three terms this is the term they will steal all of the money and print comprehensive prove that we are nothing but easily duped suckers. A day that will shake the eIreland psyche for many years to come. Wait there is someone at my front door....