Some changes in the Grey Wolf Fraternity and my tentative cabinet.

Day 2,072, 11:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

A brotherhood a fraternity. We have made a small change to our name.

I will be contacting persons closer to the elections but at this moment from my party ranks the following positions is considere😛

1. Wolf29C - Minister of Community

Samuel A Hagherty - Deputy Minister of Community

Arjay - Deputy Minister of Community

This trend continues in the fraternity itself. Vice President will be Wolf29C and the leader of our party next month. Samuel A Hagherty is made councilor

Arjay sorry bro but you must learn to handle complaints through party structures. Therefore as per every month your the guy that handles the fat chicks :

Arjay Phoenecian : Secretary General of Snorlax Affairs

Go get em' tiger!