So About That Politics Module...

Day 908, 16:08 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

After writing my last article where I tried out a new aspect of eRepublik, I started pondering (Yeah I do that a lot)...maybe I should start playing the modules that actually exist in game before creating more of my own methods of gameplay.

Considering the modules available:

War- Although I have not joined the military, I have my share of fun on the battlefield.
Media- I like to think I'm doing okay at that.
Politics- ...*twinge*...

Alas, it must be so.

The thing is, I didn't want it to be this way. I was quite content without a party, and I promise, there's been plenty of offers and pressure.

Part of my identity in this game has been my role of non-partisanship. Doing whats right because its right for America, not because I hope to boost a construct of a sub-community up to the top of a ranking that doesn't matter.

Unfortunately, some people are so caught up in this aspect of gameplay and refuse to see the big picture. They pitifully latch on to the idea that I must be in a party. Clearly, in their eyes, the only reason that I challenge them cannot possibly be that I want a stronger america, but because I have a motive to boost (Insert Party Here) to power.

The idea that I do what I do for Americas sake is foreign to these people because they apparently don't do the same very often.

There's only so many times I can inform people who attempt to label me in one direction of the other "I am an American". That is the only title that will ever truly apply to me.

I'm sick of fighting it.

As such, I am joining a party on my terms, not a party others would push me into. I am joining a party that holds the same ideals as my own, making America great, but without causing unnecessary turmoil or hurt feelings.

I'd like to announce...

Credit to one sexy azn for this pic

This comes as a surprise to me. It really does.

When I started the game, the Federalists were a party that I saw (correctly or not) as being very political and very "Role Play" oriented. This is why I was confused when Fingerguns, Goddess of Federalists, joined us for the Mechanics Oriented Democratic Party movement, my only previous attempt at entering the political sphere (One that I failed miserably due to the fact that I abhor politics). Getting to know Fingerguns, I began to understand her vision of the eUS and Parties place in it. I respected her opinion, but still couldn't make myself remain "Politically active".

Eventually, I left the brief experiment that the Democrats with mixed feelings, and went on my way without a party (again). It was comfortable. Since then, I've been able to accomplish some pretty awesome things, the two most astounding of which are becoming a Pimp and Vice President of this nation (Not sure which is better). The fact that I have been able to do this based on my name/efforts alone and without "party support" or people carrying me to victory just goes to show how much of a meritocracy aspects of our government can be.

However, the Federalist Party has a proven history of putting country first and responsibly working to increase the standing of the eUS. As such, and with the time to choose a party at hand, I choose the Federalists.
