Day 1,772, 00:49 Published in Israel Israel by danis1982

Ok, so if everythings go fine, and the recheck of the votes don't give us surprises, here we have the results!

Congratulations to the new Congressmembers!!! You are going to receive 5 Gold that you should donate to the state to show that you care for the job and not for the money.


This is what we should see next time, the current situation of the Political Parties in eIsrael:

Here is the list of the congressmembers that already donate this month 5 gold to the state:

8 danis1982 Badass party
26 orior50 Israelis Partys
31 Shoham Israel Israelis Partys
2 ArikAharon Israel First

Here we have the list of the new congress members that are going to donate the 5 GOLD to the state:

1 AlonLeibo Israel First
3 Asaf1999 Israelis Partys
4 asafasaff Israel First
5 Augustus Grim Free Voluntiers Party
6 Axazel Badass party
7 BmGolubovic Israelis Partys
9 dpdevil Israelis Partys
10 Eran Laslo Israel First
11 eynetane Free Voluntiers Party
12 GGMUFC15 Israelis Partys
13 giladrubin Free Voluntiers Party (Didn't donate on: Aug/2012)
14 hadar2789 Israel First
15 Haile SeIassie I Free Voluntiers Party
16 Hapoel Petach Tikva Israel First
17 Isadvastar Badass party
18 Kiochan Israelis Partys
19 maayan500 Israel First
20 maDesign2 Israel First
21 Matan Danziger Israel First
22 Moriel Kovach My Israel
23 MrBannana Free Voluntiers Party
24 Neta12 My Israel
25 Ommersh Israelis Partys (Didn't donate on: Aug/2012)
27 romshaked Israelis Partys
28 RushBullet Israel First
29 SandalaiM Badass party
30 Shahaf Zm Israel First
32 Shpitz Israel First
33 Sicarius Israelis Partys (Didn't donate on: Aug/2012)
34 tsahi K Israelis Partys
35 ViorKerzner Israel First
36 Vlad Gordin Israel First
37 Yoav_Israel Israel First
38 yoelb00 Israel First
39 YuvalDor Israel First
40 ZoToN Israel First

To make your donation, please talk with the MoF, A Neria

How to Donate?

Am Israel Chai!