RW Sarawak..My last day as MOD 2085

Day 2,085, 09:08 Published in Malaysia Chile by Hazwani Hanum Hashim
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Assalamualaikum and salam 1eMalaysia


Currently a RW already started since few hours ago..from the battle log, we can see that etahi are hitting on eMalaysia side..I currently trying to get info regarding the RW (who started it and reason for it)..but for now i can make an early conclusion that etahi are releasing sarawak..BO for etahi also stated that they are supporting the RW..

For time being fight for emalaysia side..ALL commander and Captain please change DO to Sarawak..


I'm hoping that we can build a new relationship for the future..a good relationship although we are at war with them (due to their airstrike)..close old books..clear all hatred...have a war without any personal issues..


Because of multiple fail negotiation starting during rental period of peninsular malaysia (1 year ago)..due to multiple reason..From my point of view..eMalaysian still have deep scaring in their heart (anti-etahi)..hope that our new government can slowly clear this scar up..


Thanks a lot for supporting for the past 2 month..hope new MOD will perform a much better work..


I think he already become a superstar..ePakistan stated that the airstrike were launch because of him..hehehehe