Day 1,175, 14:43 Published in USA USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA
Whereat it's been a month that there are 2 new alliance had been implemented, such as PANAM & NWO.
Old Phoenix and Eden powers randomly (for the general viewpoint) delivered into those new born equips. Spain & Poland, the old Eden rulers preferred to unite with Hungary & Serbia. On the other hand Ex-Phoenix power Brazil joined to PANAM by signing a MPP with the U.S.A.

Whatelse we can say that clearly Russia, Romania, Turkey, Croatia and FYROM are out of the alliances, Big possibility Turkey will join up to PANAM after being liberated, and Russia is a closed box, they keep silence and wait for the true moment to express their side. Croatia is also close to PANAM like Turkey and Romania is in the middle of gravitation of the PANAM & Eden, if Eden dies Romania may join in the PANAM too somehow they play the dumb role at the moment such as Russian sample. FYROM is unwilling to leave Serbia and Hungary because of their geo-strategic situation in the Balcans, they are sitting next to Bulgaria & Greece, those countries are their enemies, and the current Greek president Aristomaxos took the chairman seat through offering the invasion of FYROM, well, the Bulgreek vs Macedon battle is so close... because of these realities Macedonians don't want to lose NWO support and big possibility they will join in NWO in the near future.
France looks more open and close to PANAM than the others, we hear strong voices from France that they want to join up to PANAM.

IMAO; France and Turkey will come to PANAM, and Romania will wait a bit too, if they can success to struggle against NWO, they shall create a new plan with Greece and Bulgaria or come to PANAM. Macedonia and Russia may go to NWO because of the real life relations between Serbia & Russia, so not only rl relations; Russia doesn't want a powerful enemy unity before her front door too.

We will see the new updates in the near future.
