RTK is eMarrying BelindaFungi2011

Day 2,078, 04:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

eLove vs eReality😃ogmas at war

In this bout figting from the red corner we have eLove with 2000 teenage hearts defeated by way of TKO he weighs in at 100 pounds .

eLove oh mona mieu boobilitiboo
eTeens in the audience: Cheers loudly.

and fighting from the blue corner we have eReality he has a record of 5 million bludgeonings and weights in at 500 pounds.

eReality: Huh ha huh ha ha smacks his fist
eCrowd of teenage daughter daddies: Yeah

Ding ding
First Roun😛
And eReality charges in he is pommeling eLove who stands there with a silly grin on his face.
eTeens: dont hurt him SIR![stands around crying and hugging each other] eReality comes with a sharp hook of distance and follows it up with three short jabs of no intimate contact.

Ladies and gentleman eLove is out his silly grin is captured still on his face. eOuch we can barely hear him whimper. I elove you still brother he barely makes out.

But damnit folks eReality is now in the eTeens crowd bashing them with "in 2 years you will either have to go to college or get a job". And hitting young female teens with "a eBoyfriend cant pay your RL bills".

Folks this is a massacre. eMarriage is running his crazy ass out and barely escapes from the arena.

And then we get to eMarriage. I read about this phenomenon recently and was like eWTF. eMarriage is like the circus in the whole eLove kind of mallarky. Its nothing except being brainfooked. I can already see the pained expression on your mom's face if she bugs you about "When are you getting married" And you reply in your most sincere voice. I already did Mom I married BelindaFungi1987 a citizen of eSerbia . Dont be shocked I got her eKnockedup and you and dad will be eGrandparents soon. Thereafter there will many angst driven RL chats by every elder family member of you alive and kicking.

Will you face happy dancing parents or a mom and pa ROFLTAO as you announce to your parents 7 months later that BelindaFungi1987 has eCheated you with Irishbhoy1967 and that you have received a eSummons for an eDivorce and that your eLawyer totally effed up and she got all of your Q7 WEPS factories in the settlement along with your eSigned picture of Woody Harrelson and that you now have to pay eMaintenance in the amount of 2000 IEP a month for your 2 eChildren BradleyWolfhoundBriggams and Danceswithethermeryll.

Happy parent will no doubt put you through a barrage of half pretty RL possible gf till you meet one that you actually like.

On the other side of the coin you may never get rid of your eWifey. You may get bored by her articles and the cybersex. You may even contemplate just cancelling your account. After all its as easy as that to end a eMarriage. Or perhaps you may really dig your wife in which case you have the following pleasures to look forward to

the eDogBox

You took 10 hours to vote and shout her article. Perhaps that day's reality was just better and the one drink you had with your friends become 2 and then 5 and then n. Coming home drunk at 12 you opened your eLife and saw the article and the 3 paranoid telegrams. Disaster management when your drunk isn’t always the best and your quick smooches cya your fine ass tomorrow to her 2000 angst driven word hell piece just don’t cut it. How long you remain in the eDogbox will remain a combination of ass kissing and eGifts and pathetic little excuses in every little comment she made.

Dont be happy though when you return out of the Box you will not like in reality find the joy of break up s** no you will probably just get a curt your back in my life a-hole telegram. FU Internet.

Why? In case you dont know the Internet wasnt designed for eMarriages no it was simply created for scientist of the US army to exchange messages, experiments and fart jokes between each other. Not for you to get your eRocks off.

The saD thing is you will never sit on a eVerandah in your eOldage (5 years in the game ) and laugh at efart jokes. No one day you will probably get a eMessage that your eLove is bored and that she is quitting and that you must try and remain in contact and that you msut try and connect on World of Warcraft. If you never made the RL connection to start with this is the end of your eMarriage. Dont worry in this department you wont be subjected to the same excruciating pain or anyway RL empty bank balance as your RL counterpart.