Romanian congressional elections - Bug or feature? (UPDATED)

Day 1,374, 01:43 Published in Hungary Hungary by Nalaja

If we have a look at the Romanian congress elections, we find some interesting things. The only region of the country, Crisana, went to Romanian administration 24th August, some hours after the period of candidate signing to elections. As we all know, 24th of all month is a day when party presidents can choose the official candidates. However, if there are no candidates, there is nobody to choose. If we look at the elections in Crisana, the figures support this:

Nice. However, quite mysteriously, if we click to the 'All regions' option, some ghost candidates are appearing:

UPDATE! One hour after publishing this article, the phantom candidates were cancelled.

(Originally there were a lot of candidates and the first third ones got 1-1 votes. Now it is corrected.)

UPDATE: we got the answer: the registration plate is wrong, it was really a bug.