Response to the proposed Mattio government

Day 896, 04:06 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus

As you have all seen Mattio has finally proposed his government. There are a number of things that I have noticed in his formation. One of which causes me some concern and so should it be for you too!

The first being that Mattio announced in his first article that Frerk would be his representative for PHX.
Mattio wrote:
3.1 Phoenix
The Country President is also the representative person of a country in Phoenix. I personally think it would not be wise to give that power to me as soon as I’m elected. After discussions with our current Phoenix representative Frerk, Frerk and I have agreed with the plan of giving me an emeritus state until I am able to represent our country in Phoenix. Until that time, Frerk will stay our representative person. This is something of which I think it will really benefit our country, because of the trust I have in Frerk and the great job he’s doing.

The idea that a President would give this main function of a president to another representative is not something new. However I do firmly believe that this person should be held accountable towards the people of the eUNL and as such be a part of the government. This is currently not the case. In effect we would have a CP that has given his power away to a non-government representative. Thus this means that there is no accountability towards the eUNL citizens.
A president should take such these responsibilities on himself from day one.
Also on a not entirely unrelated matter Frerk will be once again be running for the highest function in PHX, the function of Secretary General. I wish him luck in his pursuit of this. In this matter I do see a conflict arising. Seeing that the Secretary General is such a great responsibility, where will he find the time to advise Mattio with PHX?

Some other things that I have noticed is that a number of our ministries are very similar. One of these has been the ministry of recruitment. During the CP debates on question fell short due to difficulties with IRC. One question was with regards to the babyboom. I know that Mattio has campaigned on ensuring a babyboom for the eUNL. I for one am dedicated that this should take place as well, and I believe it will be through ArtemIvanov that we can finally have a much anticipated baby boom. As stated in my government proposal, I think that a baby boom has two parts to make it work.
#1 Getting the people in the eUNL
#2 Getting them active in the community!
I think that the second step is just as important as the first. We as a nation need to plan ahead and not just look at what need. We need to look at the causes and effects.

I also wish ArtemIvanov much success in his job the coming month.

Even though I do not like putting people on the spot, but I see that for the ministry of raws, Mattio has IlPadrino as its minister. This function has traditionally always been the function of upcoming starters in government. This time however I see that he has placed a minister there who has experience in managing companies and has already had experience in the ministries. Also I do not see a SS for this ministry. I have witnessed that this ministry can sometimes be swamped with orders. If you look at the successful reforms made in this ministry in the previous terms and the amount of effort needed to keep it running, I wonder if Mattio will be considering adding a SS anytime soon? For many companies this ministry has become a vital part of ensuring a growing economy and maintaining nice profits. I for one would like to see this ministry continue its good work. Also I wish IlPadrino a lot of luck if Mattio is elected!

Shadow Ministers - SM
This concept that Mattio has brought, is an interesting one (and maybe even kinky if your into that kind of thing). However I have always been led to believe that the purpose of the opposition was to not only critique the government but also to give direction and suggestions. I wonder how this SM post will work?

I have been called an economics man during this campaign and not a real political figure. I would however like to say that I am a manager. Why do I say this? Well because management is a combination of politics and economics. Part of management is not only looking at solutions, but looking at long term plans and focusing on long term goals. As a country president you need to be a good manger. As a country president you need to not only examine at making changes but you need to enable them. As a president you need to examine and have the answers for all possible scenarios that may arise. You can be supported by all parties, but it does not necessarily mean it’s the right choice!

So my dear voters, I ask you to make the experienced choice on may 5th and vote Auggustus.
Supported by the citizens of the eUNL and one party.

VOTE Auggustus!