Regarding Lana:

Day 832, 21:24 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Dear eWorld,

I am completely and utterly outraged.


I'm sure anyone who reads the media in game (which I just did for the first time in a while) will find out that its our moral responsibility at the moment to be outraged (apparently because of Lana).

Why is that? Well the answer is clear.

I read that Lana's influence, through some twisted warp, has resulted in people not being able to buy guns anymore. That's right. A rise in the value of gold has reduced productivity (details on this process in a future datenever), and thus their real wages.

To show my outrage, I will continue to write articles with less substance than a Miley Cyrus song which will inevitably get around 400-600 votes, blocking out legitimate/interesting/meaningful media.

And why might the developers of this otherwise perfect game have created something that so obviously rubs players the wrong way?

Players have often theorized that the cause for the change was the developers attempting to coerce players into purchasing more gold, and thus increasing their profit margin.

I have a theory that is far more devious, and strikes deep into the very heart of the situation at hand.

What exactly does the "Lana solution" do to the economy? Decreasing the amount of available gold increased the value of said gold. In the meantime, the number of dollars stays relatively stable. The result of this is that it is increasingly challenging to raise the gold-value of the USD.

But Choc, answer the question already...why?!?

The admins were terrified of the USD was reaching the holy value of 1USD=1GOLD, as the Great Profit Alby envisioned! It is well known that should the value of the USD reach this holy benchmark, the eUS will enjoy unimaginable prosperity. Yes. Unimaginable. Even to the very people that coded the game!

The developers actions were done due to a very rational fear that players would reach economic utopia.

Historical evidence supports my argument. Lana was implemented some time after the USD rose from its wartime lows of 0.01usd/gold to nearly 0.03usd/gold. As the value of the dollar started its ascent to the 1USD=1Gold standard, the developers panicked, and spewed forwarth Lana.

Some may argue the validity of the great truth I just imparted upon you, but as every public policy debate I have stumbled across recently included nothing but rhetoric, and a quantitative model requires more effort than anyone else bothers to put into their arguments, I see no reason to break from the norm and provide any actual "proof" (Proof is such a subjective term anyways~)

Back to the subject at hand.

Knowing that we, the people, have recognized your dark game, I fully expect you, the admin, to remove Lana immediately. And since I am so outraged, and thus change is inevitable...I'll buy one more gold pack to get me through another week of pay to know...just so I have the competitive advantage....since its gunna be gone soon.......harlot for POTUS?...
