Pro Bulgaria ! English version

Day 1,583, 08:10 Published in Romania Romania by brouvi

Some of my friends asked me to translate the original article, so here it is.


I`ve been kind of sick lately but I`m in the mood for writing so I will try to present an opinion that links what happened in EDEN lately with the Romanian saying: What man does with his hand, it`s called manual labour 😃 And that man is skilful.

However in order to understand better what I mean, let`s do some history.

So, Bogdan_L in his first CP mandate, I was MoD, Romania starts an offensive towards north freeing Ukraine from under the "Hungarian protection", and starts the attack on Russia, both of them Phoenix members at the time, currently ONE. Bulgaria was also Phoenix member.

Romanian government starts their first talks with Ukraine and Bulgaria, taking advantage of the Serbian erase of Bulgaria in a so-called "method to avoid the Romanian attack", but also to speculate Ukraine`s situation, occupied by their Hungarian "allies"

You can already see the first fruits, Ukraine did not open new RWs for drain damage respecting the deals they made with us and letting us take care of Russia in peace.

Major advantage for Romania.

Once in Urals, Phoenix starts a mass offensive against Romania by opening RW-us, massive military movements in our country but also "key" attacks in our core regions.

for the newest of the Romanians I will try to explain a few things about how the military module functioned back then:
1. If a country had under occupation 4 non-core regions, the enemies could open RWs in all of them same time.
2. The round was won by those who had more damage at the end so it was important to be in advantage at let`s say t-3
3. The attack on the "key" area it was the one started at the end of the round from the current battles forcing the defender to renounce at a certain region or to divide its war effort on more battles, the so-called drain.

Day 1061, Romania had wars in the following regions: BG attack in Muntenia, HU attack in Trasilvania, SRB attack in Oltenia, RW-us in CBE, NC, Volga, Urali, Donbas, Podolia, NB and Transnistria - the last 2 for hospitals, but still eating away at damage.

And here is where the secret negociations with BG started to pay off, and something very few people know:
If Bulgarians were to attack a "key" region then we were done because our priority was Muntenia, the area bringing us the most income.

However BG attacked a hospital armored region giving us the chance to recover and same time use our hospitals, hence at the end of the day we won all battles!

I repeat all this happened when BG and UKR were Phoenix members!

Let`s come back to a more present time:

So BG joind EDEN and our CP back then, Butnaru makes a smart move sending all RO tanks to help BG in a "welcoming" move given to our southern neighbours.

In that moment we completely conquered their hearts, both as friends and allies.

Moving forward, Romania is deleted, we stay during the night to free our regions. Among the countries who answered positively our call were: Croatia, Brazil and... Bulgaria

Moving in time, let`s recall the giving away of Dobrogea to BG to stop an attack to the core coming from the Turks, that when BG was in a fierce war with SRB.

And back in the present.

Turkey says "I want in EDEN", BG answers "I dont want you"

Attention, we`re not speaking about a CP decision but of a whole nation decision, to not accept the "turcaleti"

I know, you will tell me that the BG CP agreed at start, but I`ll tell you that even lego-kun (RO president) proposed MPP to SRB.

It made me sick to my stomach to see a high rank EDEN official calling BG retards. Unfortunately I cant jump at his throat as he was recently banned.

And now EDEN is in the position to give a way the sparrow in the hand for the crow on the fence. This reminds me by the biggest hit Germans gave Russians in WW2 when, by the help of spies, convinces Stalin that he`s surrounded by traitors and that high ranked soldiers want to take him down, and so, the lunatic killed a few thousand officers, to save his ass.

You have a certainty called Bulgaria, and an unknown called TR. Bulgaria has some demands and instead you troll her.
Magnificent played EDEN! Or not! It would be a great move to have Turkey leave just as well, in which case I bow in front of ONE for their strategy.

Is there`s any need to even speak about BG strategical position on the map of Europe?

The best strike ONE gave EDEN was to sit quietly while EDEN was fighting for bullshit and for EDEN chart paragraphs.

Actually, they didnt sit quiet, they just trolled. Quoting from Diuras: "Never underestimate the power of trolling" and many times EDEN has been trolled from inside.

Soon we will defend ourselves in our core regions.

All the best!

Later edit:

And a question for you:

If at a certain time, with some random CP, Poland will want to join EDEN, and our CP will say - "Yes, I agree."
What are we going to do in that case?

Waiting for answers.