Presidential V1 Announcement

Day 329, 16:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

Firstly, ide like to ask everyone to give Irish Rebel a whack around the head, but also thank him for finding where the blasted minimum wage option is.
Currently minimum wage is set to 5IEP by default, the plan was to set it to 1IEP, however Rebel found the button before anyone else and proposed 2.5IEP... DOH! Once that votes over, we will vote on 1IEP, dont mind who proposes it, but please get it done, its very important we have this sorted asap.
Secondly, we can now send welcome messages, currently its very boring! Im about to go post on our offical forums about this. We as a country need to redo the welcome message, and help really get people into eIreland!
Next elections, offically theres nothing I can do here, but I respectfully ask that each party restores there previous election leader, v1 has allowed no prep for elections, infact many of the leaders know nothing of this, I think that its only fair and respectful that we give each party back to the pre v1 president.
Trade, I know trade is going to be a mess over the next few days, thankfully each company has 1000 Raw material stock, (yes something good for v1), We should have imports coming into the country at decent levels by the weekend from both the UK and Canada! So please dont be panicing everythings covered.
Lastly, im aware alot of v1 is new to people who were unable to test it, im sure many people, myself included have spent the past few attempts on this site swearing and cursing at whoever came up with some of the ideas for v1. I know many will think, bah I give up, well don't, yep its going to take a little time to adapt, but its worth staying, even if you dont know the name of some russian submarine diver who managed to do something strange... But stick with it, and if you really want to leave, give your IEP, Gold and other currency to Ireland, atleast let us benefit from it 😉.
Final Last thing, Im personally going to award the first person in Ireland to get 5/5 Questions correct on either training or working, with 10 Gold, please do a screen shot, of both the 5/5 and the bonus you get, because personally I want to see it happen! because I dont think its physically possible