Presidential Endorsement

Day 1,536, 07:31 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word of the day is "make the victory call!"

This month we have two awesome candidates for president. How can we compare Oblige and Vanek26? This game has players and PLAYERS. Players (like me) set small personal goals and advance day-by-day. I wanted to write a popular paper (did it), to be a media mogul (didn't make it), to get the society builder medal (twice), to be an Army officer (Colonel), and now I want to be the strongest fighter in the eUSA (yeah, right).

But Oblige and Vanek26 are PLAYERS! They set long term goals for large organizations like the Armed Forces, the nation, and our alliances. This takes a different level of thinking ... global strategy ... and a much higher level of effort. Nobody can deny, Oblige and Vanek26 are two of the best leaders the eUSA has ever had. They are also terrific people. And without a doubt, they both deserve to be president. But we only get one vote ... so let's look at the qualifications of both ...

Oblige is the incumbent and running for his third term. In the history of the eUSA, only Nave Saikiliah and Scrabman have won three consecutive times. Josh Frost had three non-consecutive terms, and Emerick was elected for consecutive terms twice (our only 4-term president). So why should we put Oblige in the history books as the first 3-termer since July 2009? Phhhtt! Check out the status of the eUSA! In the last two months we have achieved every goal, and then some, conquered Spain (twice?), and our economy is stronger than ever. Simply put, Oblige has been the most successful president since I joined this game in June 2009. Two months ago, Oblige asked us to "make the call," and without a doubt, we made the right call.

If anybody deserves a historic third term, it is President Oblige. Custer makes strong argument for RESPECT in his endorsement.

At the same time, our success in the past two months is not due to just one man, but arguably the strongest team running our country since day 1. And Vanek26 has been an essential part of that team. As NSC Chairman and SC of TERRA for many months, Vanek26 has orchestrated victory after victory on the battlefield. His knowledge of the game is unparalleled. He has served under five presidents and has played a major role in bringing us back from no states to full resources. Interesting, many of Oblige's current team will work with Vanek26 if he is elected. So the best news of all is that no matter who wins, we will keep many of our nation's leaders.

So who do you vote for? This is not dumb and dumber, but awesome and awesome. Both of these PLAYERS deserve to be President. Oblige has earned the right for a third term and Vanek26 has earned the chance to be president.

So I hereby endorse both candidates for president!

Unfortunately, I only get to use one of my two clicks to vote, and my vote is finally swayed by the VP choices. Leroy Combs is a fine man and can be an excellent VP. But when I was in the Army, my best soldier and best Sergeant when I was Lieutenant, and my best Lieutenant when I ran a Division, was none other than Israel Stevens, who is Vanek26's excellent choice for VP.

So as a soldier, loyalty trumps all. I have taken orders from both Oblige and Vanek26 in the Special Forces; good orders that I followed faithfully. But my loyalty to my friend Israel Stevens will influence me to vote for the Vanek26 / Israel Stevens team.

V for Victory!

Private Zheng He
Colonel 2-clicker
I like it Forceful and Special