Presidential election

Day 4,550, 01:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Keithunder

time=21:35 GMT
The system is simple plurality with no threshold

wingfield..................... (W orkers' Rights Party) 50 votes 53.8%
CptChazbeard.................. (Pirate Cat Party) 39 votes 41.9%
Sir Nigel Farage.............. (Cornish Liberation Army) 4 votes 4.3%

Total Votes= 93 (-15 )
Estimated Quota= 44.5
Projected Winner

Projected Losers
Sir Nigel Farage

Last time results
Huey George................... (W orkers' Rights Party) 72 votes 100.%

votes vs Party members
wingfield..................... (W orkers' Rights Party) 50 votes from 70=71.4%
CptChazbeard.................. (Pirate Cat Party) 39 votes from 38=102.6%
Sir Nigel Farage.............. (Cornish Liberation Army) 4 votes from 1=400.%