Presidential Announcement

Day 352, 00:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

Another very impressive election!

Looks like ive gained a bit more support compared to last elections, which is fantastic! Thanks for everyone that has Voted for me!

This term im a little more organised, last time i wasnt exactly expecting to win, this time it was 50:50! So on with the fun stuff!

As per my manifesto, ministrys are out, and departments are in! The following are the new departments, and who will be running them.

Department of Finance - Michael Collins
Department of Defence - Torene Jones
Department of Foreign Affairs - Thomas page
Department of Trade - andredambreville
Department of Health - sheepyhair
Department of Education - Theus Jackus
Department of New Citizens - Niamh82
Department of Information - shadowking
Department of Agriculture - CloudGT4

Each department over the next few days will be growing a little with workers! I will be making a post later today about what each department will be doing, and attempting to accheive over the next month!

Please take a moment to congratulate my new departments, and department heads, and lets hope they do a fantastic job!

Again, thanks for the votes ive received, and ill do my best to continue improving eIreland for the better!

President of eIreland