Presidential Announcement - MPPs

Day 354, 16:16 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

I commented on this during my election campaign, and have said a little on the forums regarding MPPs.

MPPs now cost 30g for each country, and last 30 days.

For eIreland to have its boarders covered with MPPs it will cost us 90g a month, effectively 3g a day!

That in itself, is insane!

I have no intention of setting up any MPPs with the current system.

However, working closely with our Boardering Allies, eUSA, eUK and eCanada, I will insted arrange formal agreements, in which, if any of them are attacked, we will then sign a MPP so that we can assist!

If you consider in almost 12 months of play eIreland has yet to see a threat, and of its boarding allies not much has happend, it would be crazy to invest so much gold where its not needed.

We dont need to spend gold to know who our friends are!

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