President Huey wins easily

Day 4,003, 00:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Keithunder

time=09:10 BST
The system is simple plurality with no threshold

Huey George................... (W orkers' Rights Party) 78 votes 74.3%
Orly Levy Abekasis............ (British Patriots) 27 votes 25.7%

Total Votes= 105 ( -8 )
Estimated Quota= 52.5
Projected Winner
Huey George

Projected Losers
Orly Levy Abekasis

Last time results
Huey George................... (The Unity Party) 63 votes 55.8%
CptChazbeard.................. (The Phil Collins Party) 22 votes 19.5%
King William the Great........ (British Patriots) 17 votes 15.%
Jack Jockson.................. (Pirate Cats Party) 9 votes 8.%
zaracool...................... (Pokret Balkanskih Gradjana) 2 votes 1.8%
votes vs Party members
Huey George................... (W orkers' Rights Party) 78 votes from 21=371.4%
Orly Levy Abekasis............ (British Patriots) 27 votes from 23=117.4%