Power of Money #1 Bulgaria vs Chile [B4B]

Day 3,813, 10:16 Published in Iran Iran by Bulletz4Breakfast
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Dear friends,

today i will start a series of articles about interesting wars and how much co is spent in them . it's my first article and naturally it will lack some information , so i kindly ask you to give me your honest opinion on article and what should i add or remove from it . my first article will be about the Bulgaria- Chile war on day 3811 .

So why did this campaign start ?
Based on what Bulgarian Gov has officially in their article said , they are trying to help their ally and protect Estonia from Chile and Argentina .in this way of doing so , we witnessed one of the most interesting wars of past month .

first 4 rounds of battle was going easy and Bulgaria was winning it with not much of an effort , but after the 4 th round Chile and her allies started to tanking seriously and using co s more and more .Here you can see the countries that fought alongside their allies in this battlefield :
Here i listed the name of the armies and how much they put up as co for either of countries :



Both Countries together have spent 22,199,757 cc as co and Chile has spent 4,629,823 cc more than Bulgaria .

by looking at the last 3 photos we can say that Chile lacked co management and they simply wasted 13414790 cc for nothing .
So money could not win this war .

I will try to continue this kind of Articles , so we come to a better understanding of how much money is spent in our EPIC Wars .
thank you for reading this ,