Pissing matches are fun to watch!

Day 912, 06:45 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word of the day is faceoff.

Well folks, it was a strange political day yesterday. The USA declared war on Serbia, Phoenix attacked us in about 100 places, CJCS NXNW and President Harrison Richardson got in a pissing match, NXNW resigned, HR defunded the military, NXNW retracted his resignation, HR refunded the military, HR called NXNW disloyal, and NXNW called HR a liar.

Three articles say it all:
1. Richardson's paper (Update: This article has been deleted, I don't know why.)

2. NXNW's paper (Update: This article has been deleted, I don't know why.)

3. Newton's Factor

4. ligtreb's checks and balances

But I am a soldier. Soldiers talk politics to pass the time until they tell us to fight. Then we FIGHT TO KILL!

With all these battles, it's even more important to read and follow the DoD Orders. Be smart fight smart!

LT Zheng He, eUSA Army