Picture Articles, A Requiem

Day 992, 10:00 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Dies irae, dies illa
solvet saeclum in favilla
teste David cum Sybilla
Dies irae, dies illa
Quantus tremor est futurus,
quando judex est venturus
cuncta stricte discussurus.


Day of wrath and doom impending,
Heaven and earth in blackout ending
David's word with Sibyl's blending
Day of wrath and doom impending
Oh, what fear man's bosom rendeth
When from heaven the Admins descendeth
On whose obrazek all dependeth.

(click the English lyrics for the actual Requiem "Dies Irae")

Before we jump into the srz bsns of dolling out fake stuff, we have the mandatory Can Con required by CRTC regulations….required because it introduces where the title of this article was stolen from.

Metric ~~ Gold Guns Girls
As the wiki goes, “Metric is a Canadian indie rock and New Wave band. Originally formed in Toronto, the band has also, at various times been based in Montreal, London (nothing to do with the eRep version), New York City and Los Angeles.”
“Gold Guns Girls” appeared on the Zombieland soundtrack, which makes it have a total of 4 things it has in common with life in eRep. Those 4 will be leading us through the rest of this here presentation, so please turn up the volume, click on the pic, and listen to what’s to come.

Click the pic to listen to "Gold Guns Girls"

All the gold and the guns in the world
Couldn't get you off
All the gold and the guns and the girls
Couldn't get you off.

GOLD (aka: the only reason you clicked this article)

I’ll lay it right out. I don’t actually have any Gold to give you. But I know who does: Fram. Okay, so to make things short, Gofarman promised me some stocks in a company on the ERX that Fram currently holds. I’ve had no luck getting in contact with either Fram or Gofarman, so I’m giving away my stocks for free to the person who demonstrates the strongest ability to retrieve frozen Gold. Chances of success are low; 1 in 2600 would be a generous estimate.

Estimated value of the stocks (in V1): 130 Gold

Whoever has the best plan can have the whole shebang.

GUNS: for a needy n00b

Here comes a rather shameful confession (I know “Shameless Plug”…call me a hypocrite). I am now a V2 Quaker. I feel quite ridiculous being a pacifist in a war game.

All the toys and the tools in the box
Couldn't get you off.
All the noise, all the voices, never stop.

I’d gladly renounce non-violence if the wife, the kids, the chores, and bills would let me sit through a 2 minute per move hex battle. Even writing this article now feels like betraying the nation during war time because the effort would better be spent flipping tiles.

To make amends, I am giving my paltry stock to a new player that wants to battle but cannot afford to get the right equipment. The lowest-level citizen asking for my toys and tools of war will receive:
A -- A rifle: 3/45/45 with 23 more uses
B -- A most basic helicopter with 10 more uses
C -- A well-worn Trailerpark Homes product: 13 Wellness/2.6 Happiness/1 week left

Serious soldiers only! Whoever receives this equipment but fails to use it will be visited by a WGC strongarm to have their mousefinger re-adjusted.

Girlz: with heavy emphasis on the “Z”

(wait for it, enjoy this cat instead)

Bikiniz and “Bewbz” (as Pendwyn penned it) are all the rage for end of article cap-offs. To economize on categories, I’m going to tie this one in with Day 1007’s Doomsday Deadline and also recyle my early-morning shout, “Happy Zombie Death Day: Global Pop. drops 140,000 overnight. eRep now twice as lively as before!

Strangely enough, a couple hours after that CBC played an interview this morning with the father of zombie flicks, George Romero. Here’s my plug for “Q,” one of the best radio shows out there in the world and it is right here in Canada. Click on August 23rd if you want to hear what Romero has to say about zombies acting as metaphor for consumer culture:

There was a wager going on about when this would happen. Kevy Kev Kev Juniour shabado started talking about this
way back on Day 971 that it would be August 11th. V2 formulas remain a mystery so I won’t hold his feet to the fire for being off a little. KKKJS did publish a very interesting table detailing the Zombie Doomsday, the biggest population change since the addition of Polish technobots.

More and more, more and more, more and more and more and more...
Is it ever gonna be enough?

So what does it mean to have the sudden corrections of population? Not much, except for political parties with inactive membership that forcefed their livestock (now deadstock?) to retain rank. The good news is that with the New World halved, eRep is now twice a lively. We are now free to die in battle, resurrect our corpses to fight again by consumng food with a near insatiable hunger thanks to the Food Consumption Project, all at a dead shuffle of 1 hex per 2 minutes. Congrats everyone ~~ you are the living, the survivors of the dead, that have made it through V2 thus far.

Okay, ‘nuff of that, time for the obligatory “Bewbz” ~~ behold this drop dead gorgeous bombzieshell:

(somebody could definitely make use of the Food Consumption Project)

lyric post-script

Sorry, I don’t know where to fit in the last bit of lyrics for “Gold Guns Girls.” So, I’m dedicating these remaining words to our pals across the pond. I don’t know if the ceasefire will be on anymore. Both sides say they have won the war; no one admits defeat (even with a country partly under occupation and impeachment complete). Can’t we just be friends? 1140 Gold isn’t too much to ask, is it?

I remember when we were gambling to win.
Everybody else said better luck next time.
I don't wanna bend; let the bad girls bend.
I just wanna be your ‘friend,’
While you're giving me a hard time.
I remember when we were gambling to win,
Everybody in the UK said, “waa-waa-waa-waa-waa!”

In the final words of Woody: “I haven’t cried like that since The Titanic.”