Pedo Bears: The Dangers.

Day 2,077, 02:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

I recently have studied the writings of Arjay. Lest summarize what its about:

1. Love
2. Infatuation
4. Attacking older players
5. His love for a woman that is not yet an adult.
6. Philosophy of a nature that would appeal to young adolescents.

Now I am not 100% certain he is one or this is the correct assessment by me but his writings is of a very strange nature.

Now I am very afraid of pedo bears on online games. There is many times a lot of children around. Their out hunting whilst we are out trolling. When they succeed it makes international headlines. Your love for the game which you have been playing now becomes by association dirty. When we succeed it causes a little bit of anger and laughter. Our interest are healthy theirs not.

Their victims is either molested or killed.

Now the disturbing thing if you watch shows on pedo bears is that they think their love for adolescents is normal. Their love for kindergarten kids as well. The mind is powerful and it overcomes perhaps their normal sensibilities. No society is in their minds in the wrong.

I have studied MaryAmQ for a long time she has childish pics as avatars . She doesnt seem to be an adult. Or maybe she is a carefully concealed FBI agent. She comes over as a teenager. there is no problems with teenagers playing this game.

Now lets look at how a pedo bear works. First thing is:

1. Association - He must share the same interest as his target. Watch out for teenage type music links and topics.

2. He must find the triggers that will break the restraints and normal safeguards his victim has surrounded himself with. Teenagers are many times a mess of emotions. Its all Twilight and this boy band or that.

3. he must associate with his victims anger and enjoyment issues.

4. As forum users they usually work in teams. the other side of the Maryamq coin might be another pedo bear working her for information.

5. He must be popular. Pedo bears interest is usually teenagers so they know how to form their articles to appeal to their target market.

6. A public defiance of all authority figure and elders. The teenager has a lot of the same feelings so again this connect with them on their level.

Perhaps I am just chasing my tail with this but Arjay's actions has me worried now for a few weeks.

WHO IS THIS GUY??? Please if you read this MaryAmQ discuss your current situation with a responsible adult so that we can rid the Internet of a possible 2 more sexual predators.

That is all. I dont care if this article gets removed by the moderators. These issues transcend the rules of a game. Ban me if it leads to one less pedo bear.