Pecuniam Enterprises is looking for Investors

Day 856, 04:05 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by Auggustus


Do you have gold laying around and that's doing nothing?

Pecuniam Enterprises is looking for investors who are interested in making long term investments (at least 3 months+). The goal of this is venture is for foreign investment in high quality companies and high profit margins.
The idea of an investment firm ensures that by pooling your money together allows you take part in larger businesses where the profit margins are higher. Individual investors often have a hard time earning money in Q1 companies due to high degree of competition taking place. These investments also have a lower profit margins as opposed to Q5 businesses, in say housing or food.

Also due to the vanishing of contracts and therefore the black market, now is the best time to invest your money!

Further information:
Pecuniam Enterprises is run by Auggustus. He has run the Government State Companies of the UNL for over 5 months and your money is therefore in trusted and experienced hands! A previous investment venture resulted in a return of over 25% in the first month).

Shares will be sold @ 1 gold per share and is open to everyone. (So if you have 1 gold you can invest one gold)
Profits will be given out in the form of dividends. Also updates on your share value will be made regularly as well as other updates with regards to the investments of Pecuniam Enterprises.

For more information feel free to contact Auggustus">