Party Elections

Day 4,074, 01:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Keithunder

16/01/2019 08:16
UK Reform Party Votes
certacito 15

Projected winner 63% turnout

The Unity Party Votes
PalaceDom 17
John longson 1
Ryan K Harvey 1

Projected winner 42% turnout
Projected Losers
John longson
Ryan K Harvey

British Patriots Votes
King Simba 10
Kavman0000 2

winner 48% turnout
King Simba
Projected Losers

Pirate Cats Party Votes
Michael Ludgate 13
Jack Jockson 7

Projected winner 63% turnout
Michael Ludgate
Projected Losers
Jack Jockson

W orkers' Rights Party Votes
Huey George 10

Projected winner 48% turnout
Huey George
The Real Spamicans Votes
Horice G Fossil 4
Winner Horice G Fossil 80% turnout