ONE Insight

Day 1,562, 03:55 Published in Serbia Serbia by bg-pobednik
Dear friends,

Short video coverage from field! This time ONE.

ONE HQ... We have brilliant IDEA! Send Serbia to fight against Romania, Croatia .... And we will save our most powerful countries!

Serbian MOD. This is moments after receiving order from ONE HQ.... attack ROMANIA!

One generals! Party time. But ... when you need them ...

BE QUIET! Somebody asking for help! Lets pretend that we are not on this channel!

Serbian politician reaction .... LOOSING CONGRESS. My life is ruined! How to find girl on this site? I have to be politician! 🙁 When god will see my pain? I have to be popular!

In a meanwhile some of the ONE countries are heaving great struggle against EDEN! I have to mention ... they will leave allies after finishing bath.

We are looking very fresh and relaxed after vacation in Romania and Ukraine. Thank you all!

OH ... i almost forgot. Smee is preparing new boring article about ONE in elevator!
