On The STAND: Rolo’s Public Hearing

Day 1,150, 17:20 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Greetings eCanada,

Yesterday I published an article proposing how we might deal with citizens who steal from and disgrace the eCanadian community. Later today, that article was replaced with a Forfeit Point so I cannot link to the discussion, unfortunately. What I can say is that a number of people were supporting the idea and so I will proceed despite the chance I could be banned by the time the (un)Official Blacklist is published.

Yup, I fought the outlaws, and the ‘law’ won. It’s okay, my character sheet says I still have 4 more Hit Points left.

“Thou shall not contaminate the New World with filth such as External advertising, Spam,Insults, Pornography, Vulgarity or Racism.
Content type: Article
Reason: Public debates”

Apparently public debates go against the laws of the land. Funny, isn’t that what the political module is all about?

Without any further ado….

Let’s inaugurate the first public hearing of The Search for Truth And Need for Discipline:
The STAND ~~ Stage 1: Public Hearing

The rules are very simple. Don’t get your comment reported/deleted because then it will be lost to the public record. For courtesy sake and for efficacy, don’t make it personal. We’re not here to tear apart a real person or insult them for being who they apparently seem to be in-game. It’s about identifying a problem player and doing what we can to limit their damaging influence to our gameplay.

Therefore, as a suggestion, simply identify what negative impact Rolo has had on the operation of our government, our military, our politics, and our collective group effort at improving the status of eCanada in-game. If he called you a name on IRC, don’t bother telling us about that here. It’s about the money; let’s face it.

On the other hand, if Rolo did something nice like hold your hand as a newbie, or give you great business advice, or donated you a fine Q5 weapon one day, and you think that he deserves a second, or third, chance, then let us know. It’s possible we’ve misunderstood the whole situation and you’d like to point out what really happened, and why Rolo is ‘the greatest eCanadian ever’ and why he deserves a spot among our ranks. Please tell us. This is an excellent opportunity to do so before people are asked to vote on whether there is to be an active effort to blacklist Rolo.

The floor is now open. Please provide evidence, arguments, counter-arguments, defense and accusations that will help us better understand ‘the truth’ of what has happened. No need to limit your memory to current events; past incidents are welcome.

Let’s not pretend this is a real court with procedure, counsel, rebuttals, and evidence/testimony restrictions. Let the Laws of eRepublik decide what will stand as a valid comment (and possibly article). Concern yourself only with providing a record of what we know that can be used to inform citizens before the vote begins in 48 hours.

Starting now, 48 hours remain. State your case, place your opinions, show us what you know happened. Testimony from citizens, Orgs, Interim Govts., CSIS, and people of other titles is welcome.

The STAND Procedure:

Stage 1 ~~ On the STAN😨 Rolo’s Public Hearing (48 hours)
An article will soon be released to announce a hearing to gather accusations, evidence, and defense regarding the actions of Rolo.

Stage 2 ~~ On The STAN😨 Public Vote and Verdict (48 hours)
It has been elected to go with public vote until a council is established to oversee the (un)Official Blacklist. 1 citizen = 1 Vote: Yes, No, Abstain

Stage 3 ~~ On The STAN😨 Announcing results and establishing the Blacklist (24 hours later)
After votes and comments are tallied, the (un)Official Blacklist will be prepared in a media article.

The formation of a council to help moderate the (un)Official Blacklist is still in process. We intend to have a formal list prepared when the Public Hearing closes and the Public Vote opens.