Obligatory Presentation 2

Day 1,706, 22:02 Published in USA USA by Animis

Yes, I like it WET too, notice the beach behind the bikini!

It all started when I volunteered to block (see previous article). For those of you who don't know what blocking is; it is to be a ballot placeholder when your party supports a candidate from another party. It happens when parties cooperate to get good Congresspeople elected. ST6 members often volunteer to block as part of our duty.

However, someone actually thinks I would be an asset to congress in the coming month.

WHY???? ...he may be right since the eUSA needs to fix some problems that have recently developed and these are the reasons why:

1. I am experienced in Congress during 8 previous terms (all times of crisis it seems) and I am an experienced military leader (ST6 Senior Officer, former SF Officer and weeks away from G-O-W) and have held a bunch of jobs in the White House.

2. I was in Congress when our old forum was wiped and we needed to rewrite our constitution and a crapload of laws in a few weeks.

3. I was in Congress when plato changed RM/production ratios causing an economic meltdown due to RM shortage, this dramatically impacted all businesses and military alike. This was just one of the numerous economic crisis I have been involved in finding solutions to.

4. I was in Congress when the wholesale abuse of gov't spending became obvious and open. We did what was needed and although unpopular, we reigned in programs that lacked controls.

5. I was in Congress when the taxpayer revolt and the anti-elite drama split the nation into haves vs. havenots and participated in supporting programs that helped new players and lowered taxes on producers.

6. I was in Congress when we first heard the term INCI and everyone was totally freaked out. We seemed to have survived, had a few tough moments and made many new friends. (I even want to take a vacation to Turkey now after seeing so many beautiful pictures.

7. I was in Congress during the Panam negotiations that led to our modern alliances. That was a very tough showdown between WH and Congress over power. This is where experience really matters.

8. I was in Congress when the JCS disaster blew up, spent a lot of time pretty much pleading with each side to be more moderate, more tolerant, to yield a bit. Evidently, no one listens. That was a horrible term.

9. I was in Congress again when we were wiped, some very bad times, and when we had pretty much nothing left. Evidently, the rebuild plan we put into place worked!

10. I was in Congress as threats against militia (OMS) funding had some ugly moments and stood firmly that qualifying militia's are game style choices made by players and they are essentially social vehicles that keep us together and happy. All these groups (USAF and OMS) not only need and deserve support from the taxpayers who they fight for, but that it is right and just to do so because all eAmericans are contributing to that pool of funding and should get a return on their efforts, regardless of which style MU they choose to join. If requested and they qualified, I would even support the idea of funding for JCS branches. eUSA has the money and the know-how to find ways to do whatever we put our minds to!

11. I was in Congress and led the charge against a scheme designed by EVRY and other members of the Economic Council to get the eUSA Treasury to back a financial/banking plan. I never liked the idea of using OUR money to guarantee any financial deals in this game. I argued hard against this when the group who wanted this so bad tried to slip it through in the early days of that term before it was well understood. THIS IS WHEN EXPERIENCE COUNTS!!

I like it wet too! and I am VOTING for ANIMIS in ARKANSAS.

If you have played in the last month you know that the eUSA is once again in crisis.

Anyone who has served with me knows that I am unafraid to speak up and do not showboat or BS. I have no interest in role playing some weird eStatesman game and most of all absolutely hate and distrust an overbearing White House dictating to Congress. I think our current WH has behaved irresponsibly and look forward to some selective change as there are still good people there.

I really dislike the chaos & divisiveness we've seen over the last few weeks. I am not in love with Canada and really wish they would get their crap together and stop allowing their country to be run by lemurs w/ADHD and obvious head trauma. (perhaps we should listen to that advice as well!)

The Canadian NE and war serves no purpose and has only hurt us. At least we are getting BH's and rank from it.

However, this diplomatic nonsense has been worked on over the last few months by complete idiots who think that normal predictable human behavior can be relied on in this crazy game. What is even even sadder is that they failed to understand that ever country changes government pretty much twice a month with new Congresses and CPs, which means that very little can be relied on. Our friendships were all based on trust earned over years of keeping our word.

Yes, the balkan-centric game is SERIOUSLY boring. Also, some of our so-called friends from our MPP stack sucked, but what we have done puts US in the suck category too.

If you send me back to Congress I will be a voice of experience, reason and hopefully some fresh energy to bring about positive change to get us right again. We need to find productive and fun ways to return to both good times fighting and earning rank, etc. while also not hating each other and hopefully rebuild our long term friendships, many of whom have guys who are serving along side us in our MUs today.


Trust me on this, I don't actually want to be in Congress, but I am an asset there, so send me in, it's my mission for AUGUST!

I like it wet too! Please Vote for Animis so I can stop swimming so hard!