Day 2,267, 05:28 Published in Poland Poland by Twardy Fred

After the recent FA analysis, brought to you by the magnificent NewAzazel, you are due to read the warfare analysis.
This article comes in order to bring some more light into the latest warfare affairs of our beloved eCountry. Due to the tournament the current administration was looking into starting a NE* war in order to give the MUs* 10% damage booster. This would allow EZC's* and SF's* top regiments to be more competitive for the 25 Elite MU spots and all MUs to have a better chance in qualifying into the top100 for all other awards.

As we are on a course to ally Poland-Spain-UK, Portugal seemed to be the best choice for a NE target. Portugal has many very good allies who hit for them and because of that a war with them would have been more or less evenly matched, especially if we look at our other neighbours on the map... This is actually to be seen on the battlefield too! We are vulnerable to 4 drain RWs* and even lost the first campaign of the war. Isn't that exciting? 😛

So, the current situation is as follows:

(1) Russian regions
As Argentina invaded Russia half a month ago, we decided to help our bros by building a wall between them and Argentina. In this way, Russia secured congress and still exists on the map. We are keeping those regions until the Russian administration requests their return. We have no interest in keeping those interest but to help our long term ally and to honour the Bear and Eagle bortherhood pact.

(2) Mexican regions
Mexico were willing to rent us Baja, for which we are paying a monthly rent. Baja is part of the national strategy for economical development of the eUSA by increasing the bonus production of our weapon industry with another 20%.

(3) Irish regions
Just as Mexico, Ireland were willing to rent us Cork and Wexford. We are paying them a monthly rent for the two regions. In return all eUS citizen have 20% bonus production of 20% in both the weapon and food industries.

(4) Japanese regions
Maybe the most controversial of all deals. Here the deal is with Taiwan, Republic of China. Since the fall of CoT, and even before that, eJapan has not existed on the map. Their allies seem to not be powerful enough to help them counter the Taiwanese aggression. As we occupy those regions with RoC's consent and not Japan's, if eJapan manages to come back to the map, our future administration shall revise the situation once again.
From the Japanese regions Tohoku and Hokkaido all eUS citizen are receiving a total of 40% production bonus in the food industry.

(5) Portuguese affairs
Yes, we did lose the first campaign, however, our aim here is to have 10% damage bonus for the MU competition and not to conquer Portugal. So, our priority remain to keep the RWs save and winning against Portugal would be a nice bonus and a moral booster.

To summarise on all so far. We are (1) helping Russia avoid permanent occupation from Argentina by building a wall in ; (2) enjoying 100% production bonus for the food industry and 80% for the weapon industry - something we could not have enjoyed during the recent years, marked with the fight against the Serbian PTO (lead by an irl American...); (3) delivering 10% damage bonus to the eUS MUs via the war with Portugal.

If you are part of the USAF or any other supplied MU, follow your MU's orders!
If you follow the DoD* newspaper, you would always know where to fight!

The new military module implementations
You can read the full information in the Latest Updates tab.

In the past week the eRepublik admin introduced three different gadgets that can be used in a battle. Each battle booster has the same attributes:
- a quality (q1, q2 or q3);
- effect;
- time during which it's active;
- price;
- cooldown time.

1st Battle Booster: Enrage Comrades
If you activate this boosters, all soldiers from the same division as you in your Military Unit will receive 30%, 40% or 50% damage booster for respectively 4, 6 or 8 minutes.
It costs respectively 5, 10 or 20 gold.
Please note, that there is a cooldown after a booster has been used. This means that nobody from your MU in your division will be able to activate the same booster quality for respectively 3, 4 or 5 minutes. Only a higher quality booster can be activated during a booster's cooldown (for the same division of your MU).

2nd Battle Booster: Rejuvenate Comrades
If you activate this boosters, all soldiers from the same division as you in your Military Unit will use less energy per hit (9, 8 or 7) for respectively 3, 4 or 5 minutes.
It costs respectively 10, 16 or 25 gold.
Please note, that there is a cooldown after a booster has been used. This means that nobody from your MU in your division will be able to activate the same booster quality for respectively 2, 3 or 4 minutes. Only a higher quality booster can be activated during a booster's cooldown (for the same division of your MU).

3rd Battle Booster: Disarm Enemies
If you activate this boosters, all enemy soldiers from the same division as you in the battle you are fighting in will NOT be able to use ANY weapon. However, they will still be able to use bazookas, bombs and rockets and will be able to fight without weapons!
It costs respectively 20, 35 or 45 gold and is active for respectively 1, 2 or 3 minutes.
Please note, that there is a cooldown after a booster has been used. This means that nobody from your MU in your division will be able to activate the same booster quality for 20 minutes for all the three booster qualities. Only a higher quality booster can be activated during a booster's cooldown (for the same division of your MU).
The cooldown of 20 minutes doesn't apply only to the citizen who activated it; it affects everyone on your side and division.

These three new boosters add some spiciness to the war module, however, they also make it possible for gold buyers to influence battles much more than war tacticians or army commanders. The 3rd battle booster is very useful after T105 (1 hour 45 minutes after the begin of a battle) of a battle where insane amounts of damage have been dealt (having a billion in the top5 is usually an easy way to recognise such battles 😛).

So, dear readers. Have you read most of the article text so far? If yes, do you think the military module has become more interesting in the past week, or do you think it's just another masquerade of eRep Labs to make Romper come back 😛

Yours faithfully,
Libertas33, NSC Director
n0s3, NSC Director
The Mike, NSC Director
ilphen, NSC Director
(does the fact that I'm the only one non-elite eRep citizen in NSC actually make me the elite one?)

*NE stands for Natural Enemy
*MU stands for Military Unit
*RW stands for Resistance War
*DoD stands for Department of Defense
*EZC stands for Easy Company
*SF stands for Special Forces
*UM stands for The Ultramarines
*AF stands for Air Force
*FT stands for Flight Training
P.S. If you are new to eUSA, make sure to read Gnilraps' 10-step guide in
HOW TO SUCCEED IN USA: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
You can find more guides on the DoE's website and in DoE's newspaper.