News from Bulgaria

Day 1,540, 15:03 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Hello Canada 🙂
It’s been a while since my previous article as an ambassador and it’s time to inform you about the latest news from Bulgaria.
Here is the current situation on Balkans:

Bulgaria and Croatia successfully conquered Serbia few days ago for the second time this month. However holding them occupied is hard and expansive and it also endangers Bulgaria’s holdings in Ukraine and Russia which are very important for their economy so no one fights in Serbia’s RW and it is not a surprise that they almost liberated all their regions. Bulgaria doesn’t need their resources and starting a war again will be a mistake. So both countries signed a NAP (nonaggression pact).The terms are very simple:

Non-Agression Pact between eBulgaria and eSerbia
1. It starts as of 07.02 and ends on 07.03.2012
2. Both countries oblige themselves not to launch direct war (natural enemy) on each other under any circumstances
3. Both countries may agree to renew the agreement if the new governments agree upon that

At the same time Poland started a campaign against Ukraine but their big target is Turkey. ONE blames them for their decline and they want to punish them at any cost. This means that first Poland will have to conquer Ukraine and at the same time their allies will try to liberate Bulgaria’s holdings as this is the only road for Poland to Turkey. There is no question that Bulgaria will vote Poland as a NE at first possible moment. But if Poland prevail over Ukraine at the start of this war it may take four days before they reach the Bulgarian border. Meanwhile the NAP with FYROM has expired on the 5-th of February and now Bulgaria could help Italy and Albania to wipe Macedonia in the next couple days.
So as usual it is hot on Balkans (although it is freezing outside).

The other important news is about the baby boom which is organized for the next week. We expect to at least double our population and for that reason a lot of food and weapons are stored as this could help to keep as much as possible babies in the game.

Here is the Bulgarian government for February 2012:

Country president: Tablov
Vice president: LitoII

Minister of Defence: Custo89
Deputy Minister of Defence: magdanoz
Deputy Minister of Defence: Mr.Gatev
Deputy Minister of Defence: Avit0hol
Deputy Minister of Defence: Velchev
Deputy Minister of Defence: Bukso
Deputy Minister of Defence: Stenlito
Probationer: Trolololololololo

Minister of Foreign Affairs: eDarkAngel
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: The Graverobber
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Stoyo Tetevenski
Probationer: Degoto
Probationer: Black Mamba

If you have any question about the Bulgarian foreign policy you may visit our IRC channel #bg-mofa on the Rizon server

Minister of Finance: Absfresh
Minister of Economy: Kapetanoo
Probationer: Bojerianov

Minister of Youth: CaMoMuHaBaM
Deputy Minister of Youth: dzunka
Probationer: TheMarked
Advisor: IvJorell

Minister of Information: Nikola Kasherov
Deputy Minister of information: 13aby

Minister of Entertaiment: Orchish