New battle system enhances the advantage of ONE-NWO?

Day 1,230, 01:45 Published in Hungary Hungary by Nalaja

Seeing back to the progress of the last weeks, it is now obvious that the heavily argued 10-gold limit provided a considerable advantage for the ONE-NWO (henceforth referred to as ONE, following the new official name of the alliance). The change prefers the countries with large and well-organized armies, based on food rounds instead of pure tanking. The bias in the former equilibrium was immediately shown in the Serbo-Croat and the Romanian-Hungarian fronts. After the months of static war, both fronts moved quickly, favouring the ONE side. Meanwhile Poland and Spain, the other two pillars of the ONE were not involved in direct wars, and provided effective support for their allies.

EDEN and TERRA (more or less the former PANAM) reacted with a new strategy. As core members of the EDEN were involved in the above mentioned wars, TERRA launched multiple, coordinated attacks on Poland and Spain. Spain had to face Brazil, Argentina, Portugal and France while Poland was challenged by the USA and Russia, having also direct war to France. Greece tried to gain control over Turkey.

This move was mostly unsuccesful. While Brazil advanced to the gates of Madrid, all the other EDEN/TERRA fronts were collapsed. Russia and USA were forced to close their Polish fronts, in order to avoid a successful and dangerous counterattack. At the second step, France itself faced a multiple-front assault, from Poland and Spain, threatening Paris. Macedonia, copperating closely to ONE, advanced successfully in Italy and reached also the French border, thus having an interesting strategic possibility. Croatia was reduced to one region, Greece was losing cores against Turkey, and Romania, after some good fighting at its capital, lost important regions to Hungary.

(Besides all of the above, TERRA's all-out onslaugh made the thing clear in the Balkans region. Now Macedonia and Turkey are clearly pro-ONE, while Bulgaria and Greece remained in EDEN.)

The new battle system was introduced at this point. Many ONE citizens feared that it was for the favour of the opponents. In fact, this change, coupled by the contemporary raise of the daily food consume limit, raised more the importance of the large, food-based armies. In the new system, the last Croatian was captured by Serbia by 8-0 while i in the previous system, it would have been 8-7 or so. The most interesting and important test of this new system for the ONE will be the Battle of Muntenia today.