Nesönel szekjuriti imördzsönszi!

Day 1,637, 03:35 Published in Hungary Hungary by Feherlofia Koppany

National Security Emergency!
General Cartman Lee
General Cartman Lee to Feherlofia Koppany | 2 hours ago

National Security Emergency!

Hello, I am writing to you about a matter of national security for our nation.

Our country is under threat from a domestic insurgent group known as the "INCI" and we are coordinating an Anti-Take Over effort to retake this Top Five party for our country. The leadership of this group have threatened to destroy our nation and have said publicly that America should bow down to them.

On Tuesday, May 15th, please resign from your current party and join the "South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari" at the following link and vote for Roberrto, who is the OFFICIAL ATO candidate for the United States of America. They may change the party name, so remember to use this link if you have trouble finding the party. EVERY vote is crucial to defend our country.

Our country needs you more than ever! Today is my 23rd birthday, so please bring security to America as your present to me. 🙂 Thank you.

Vote Roberrto in South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari.
Save America.

Very Truly Yours,
General Cartman Lee
Director of Homeland Security

PS- If you can hold your vote, please come in to this room to see if any orders have changed.
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