Day 1,402, 00:58 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by JUJAI23

i wonder, who the hell want reading my article here.. so i will make it short and sexy..

For PKeM

Sarawak is the safety place to candidate in the coming congress election. we are leading the war at Penisular Malaysia but we will play safe by focus on headhunters' land now. the situation is not suitable for this huge election. even you did not candidates and our party failed to get congress majority, i won't be upset.. we tried our best.. what ever it is, OUR CP SUCKS

For Government

congratulation after being selected by the worst BEST CP ever. With no Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are handling newbies? volunteers? is there any updates for us? the last article i can see the cabinets member posting is a Battle Order.. please give us something... we want the old system... give us some reading feed daily.. we faced difficulty on finding some news to read, and some fresh article will be enough for us...

For eMalaysians

Congratulation for kicking Teming Butt in the CP election.. You choose the sweet lips candidates to be on President seat. with no experience as a minister, no background checking, you elect this man as CP.. Well done people..

hey people! did you ever read this?

Congress Candidates Rules

even to select a congress member we have a strict rule, why we elect a CP blindly?

remember people...