My Iowa Congressional Application - Beta Style

Day 2,430, 20:04 Published in USA USA by Nick.Fury

As you can easily tell I am a beta player from way back in the fall of 2008. I wasted my first month as the Party President of a two clicking T6 party and was quickly found by Ron_Paul and joined the RfC. Ron made me a congressman and after a successful month as a congressman v1 came out and it all changed. I worked under Desert Falcon for a bit but began to run with Jewitt, Kyle, JJ and Gaius as the Public Relations Officer of TVA Group.

After several months of that work and working for myself I made a decent name for myself and eventually made my way to the eUSA Army and helped Jameson L. Tai as the a Captain and Spokesman of the eUSA Army.

Skip ahead 4ish years and it's May of 2014. I find myself in the Federalist Party and found my home. I tried coming back in v1 and v2 but just wasn't worth my time. However even though there is a big change from v1 to this current version these guys and gals have made me push myself and even with all the personal stuff going on they manage to keep me entertained and now I am trying for my second term in Congress.

Resently I spent time in the Retention Department under Bama_Bettie as the Co-Deputy Director of the Fun Department where I did what I could but my personal situation prevented me from being as successful as I wanted during the first 2 weeks and I had to resign my position. Shortly there after my life calmed down and now I find myself in a job I love. I am currently the Lead Graphics Artist for SHIELD under WookyJack.

So there it is the short version of my time in the eWorld over the last 5 years. I hope to show the real life Iowa congress how a real congressman should be and I plan to make a big positive splash!