Moo on CP election

Day 1,110, 10:48 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

This is an article where I tell you why I will be personably voting for John G. tomorrow. I am not going to try to tell you James is an evil monster and John G can walk on water. What I will try do is give my own opion on what makes a good CP and why John fits that more then James. I can only base these jusdgements on what i have seen of the two of them. What others will have seen is diffrent and will have diffrent views. So what makes a good CP?

Hard Work
I worked with both when we started the national newspaper a while back. I think John did a bit more work but to tell you the truth it was probably because John was on same Time zone as me, James did everything he said he would. I have worked with John in old IFP party and John always did his part, never over the top but always contributed.. I have worked with both as ministers, John does his bit and James has been AWOL at times(could of used the help this month from MoFA), but other times he did do a good job. I think if I have to be honest John reminds me of one of those people who slowly grind away at a slow even pace when it comes to work. James is Hot and Cold, if he is excited about something he could have a lot of energy but if not he is looking for the next project. The job of CP can be demanding time wise and I have reservations wether either of them knows what they are getting into to. It is fun to run for job but not always fun to put in long hours for a month. I always personally preferred to do a little bit each day in school instead of cramming right before a test. Just because it is more my style and felt let down by James this month, I would have to go with John by nose in this area. I hope that John is up for a lot more work then he has done in the past.

We have had too many assests disappear that this trait has to come up. I have know John G. For a year and a half and I would trust him 100%, that is partially based on our friendship but also based on what I have observed of him. He speaks his mind and always tries to do the right thing. He is kind of guy you would not mind your daughters bringing home. John and Donut would be too of the nicest people playing this game. I have had two ocations dealing with James that I did not trust his integrity. I am not going to get into details of either of them and maybe I am wrong about that, but since I can only make my choices on what I have observed I would have to go heavily in the favour of John G. In this area.

Big fancy word from a guy who can not spell, so what do I mean. Any joker can write a fancy manifesto with a bunch of ideas in it. If that determined who would be a good CP then Connell would of been great. What determines a good month is when times get tough, and there will be points where they get tough, how do they handle it. Do they throw a fit and hide or do they fight there way through it. This comes a bit with maturity and I am not talking abut years in RL but experience handling adversity. I actually do not know how James would handle things, I do not know him that well. But I know John Gormley and I know he will not lay down or hide. We have had too many bad CP who could not handle the pressure in the past, we need to elect some one who can.

I do not think John G is the best person in this country that could of run for the job, would of loved to see Ninth or CT run. I will be voting for John G because I think he is the better of the two front running canadites. Not because we are friends, what party he is in, or what militia James is in. It will be a close election, I wish whoever wins good luck, god knows they will need it.


Mr. Gingle seems to like to poke fun at my spelling, grammar, and “third world education”.

I actually like to poke fun at it too. So Funny story, I was up early this morning handing out supplies and contacting MoD's and CP for help. I had to send some rush PM's and type real quick because I was going out. Some of the people I contacted, English is not there first language. One message I sent to a CP I think every other word was misspelled. All I could think of after I sent the message was he would put it in a translator and instead of “please send help” it would get translated to some thing like “how long is your cucumber”. Actually tried to speaking Spanish once I asked a women that, instead of how old are your children. Rest assured both John and James have excellent English skills.

Probably best advise I can give anyone wanting to be CP is learn to laugh at your self.