Moo for CP, oh no here he goes again

Day 1,533, 17:16 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Well I think it is official, I must be a mad. I decided to run for CP of Ireland again. Anyone who did the job will get a laugh out wanting to do it again. I was thinking today what kind of article should I write to announce it? The thought came to me to be completely honest and say what you think, always worked in the past, so here goes. This will be the fourth time I have run for CP of Ireland, doing the job twice (still always to catch Patton and snake). The other times I ran I wrote these grandiose articles talking about 50 things I would try to improve. One time I think I wrote 9 articles before the election. I really sounded like some kind of one to be politician. The games gives you titles and people think they have to behave like those titles in real life.

I think the CP is more like the temporary leader in a game. The guy who turn it is to have everyone over for poker. Who cares how well he deals, if he does not have good beer and crisps/chips the night sucks. It is the CP job not to make the country run more efficient; introduce a whole lot of new programs, but to make it fun for everyone playing. Nothing more or nothing less. I am going to be a beer and crisps CP, not the best dealer CP. So I will put out 3 articles in the next few days letting you know what I will focus on if you vote for me. Not going to concentrate on more than 3 things because I have a little brain and can not remember anything bigger. I will try to have a bit of fun with it. So a few general promises.

•I will listen to everyone opinion and work with anyone who has the counties best interest at heart (regardless if they have called me names in past)

•I will work my but off in the month (think it would be impossible to live up to MUFC in that area)

•I will publish regular articles (see my old newspapers, last times I was CP I did daily for a while)

•I will make this game fun, not take my self serious, and not take anything personal

•If elected I will leave Libertad for the month, I love Libertad but it would create a conflict of interest (thanks PP for the reminder)

Thanks to the people who have offered help already, anyone else that would like to help please send me a PM. I will put out a few more articles before the election giving details. For tonight I will keep this short and sweet. Besides I am expecting the positive and negative comments below will be more interesting than any article I write now.