Monetary Market: How one can and cannot make money

Day 2,085, 07:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

This is a response to something Kaptain Kidd said which didnt make sense to me:

All currencies are equal and there exist currently 2 monetary units in the Monetary Market which one can trade: Gold and Citizen Currency. Plato has thus simplified the monetary market.

Gol😛 One can sell ones gold for IEP

currently the prize is 220 IEP. One must then do a non dated forward sell. So say I have 20000 Gold if I place it for 230 IEP and the prize rises above 230 IEP i will make 10 IEP per Gold or 200000 IEP. On a day to day basis one would sell in the range 1 to 3 points above the existing prize to make a profit. So you bought 10 Gold (max per day) at 220 IEP and then sell your 10 Gold at 221 IEP for a profit of 10 IEP.

Method 2 Selling Currency

1 IEP = 0.005 Gold at the moment

I ran the calcs with 500 IEP to show you the difference

500 IEP AT 0.001 Gold = 0.5 Gold
500 IEP at 0.002 Gold = 1 Gold
500 IEP at 0.003 Gold - 1,5 Gold
500 IEP at 0.004 Gold = 2 Gold
500 IEP at 0.005 Gold = 2.5 Gold (Our current exchange rate)
500 IEP at 0.006 Gold = 3 Gold

so the more gold you get the more you make per 1 currency.

So its pretty easy to see how to make more Gold here. If I have 100000 IEP and place it at 0.006 Gold the next higher value. Once it reaches that value I will make 600 Gold whereas currently I would get for the same amount 500 Gold. So I gain 100 Gold.

So to review currently one can make more money by placing your Gold at a higher prize. Forward selling. One can make more Gold by selling your IEP for more gold. Forward selling. There is no way one can make money from your Gold by selling it at a lower prize and there is no way one can make more Gold if you sell your IEP for less gold.

ATM it is said we are making money each month in the MM which is just a bit puzzling because the prize of IEP has remained static at 0.005 Gold per 1 IEP. For us to make money the prize of Gold must rise at the moment it has been dropping constantly. So please explain to me Appleman how exactly we have been making money in the MM I would certainly like to hear the details of this small miracle. The problem is with selling the currency you are offer 30000 in the queue as every person has the same prize 0.005 Gold. So selling and buying is not a quick process. So it would be a reasonable assumption that you need to place massive numbers over a long time to eventually make something. Or daily sell your currency for more IEP the 1 to 3 points I refer to but in the same night buy new gold at a lower prize. This would involve citizen cooperation which I have no knowledge of. Perhaps the MOF can enlighten us or Sw33t as its always him making the claims??

I gave them a bit of leeway and scrolled through all the offers where they are selling Gold and could find none by them. I also know all of the orgs by name and found a measly 50000 IEP and 45 Gold in one where I expected much more given their claims. The currency side is impossible I did stumble on 1 offer of about 76000 for 0.005 and one for 20000 but dont think its a Irish org as it show France CC Emergence EIreland it is called. There was 447 pages with 10 offers per page so about 4470 offers in total.