Meetings Between Greece & Turkey

Day 1,186, 15:34 Published in USA USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA
Policy, is kind of a bullshit when you have the power, bullshit is kinda power when you have a policy.

As far as i observed in the current Turk-Greek diplomacy, something keeps itself on sucking. Yesterday there was a meeting between both sides under the investigation of PANAM & EDEN. It's not important to seek the result, but there were more interesting things which happened so quickly, for example; one of which is like an impeachment law against Suleyman Shah the former CP of eTurkey.
Deniz Kerasus offered the law and after a 24 hour process period, it's accepted with 7-3.
Now i want to ask something to this guy;

1 Have you been saved your country ?
2 Have you been signed an acceptable treaty ?
3 Are you a dumb ?

If you were a guy who wants to find a solution for his homeland, you could wait until the expire minute of the meeting to analyze the result at least, and then you could give a law what kind of which you want.
Well i don't take this guy as a responsible person anymore in the Turkish senate.

Now i call both sides to show respect to each other, you can be enemy (I've been really searching for reasons for years and years but i only found the ''Facsism'' as an evidence) , which could be founded in RL history since hundreds of years, but don't forget; you both live on a region where you have to accept neighbourhood. History is very important argument to know who you are but you can't look forward with the hatred feelings or you both will masturbate your brains at the portals like eRepublik. Well, at least remember this is just a game, 1821 & 1453 doesn't mean anything here, but there is a friendship i believe in like i do it in my real life too.

Summary: I advice you guys to build a bridge at first where you can come together for further details like a treaty sign or continue to fight, but it's better to come together at first like humans.

Thanks & Regards.