Me? Congressman? In West Virgina people!

Day 729, 14:53 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Moved to West Virginia! Going to run on the USWP party from the Brolliance party (previously the Republican Party).

So here are once again my old articles from the last time I ran for president. I do have a few new things though I would like to talk about here. I will also recap/summarize the 4 articles above it. It is highly recommended you click on the links and read them.

And remember the links above may be outdated and unrelated now...

So without further ado people! Here are my thoughts, dreams, and such!

New ideas:

Regaining diplomatic ties with countries that have quit PEACE

There is a lot of celebration as the downfall of PEACE seems to be happening as we speak. I think that this is an important oppurtunity to regain relations with other countries. Getting them to be pro-American would be very good. Sure it sounds hopeful, but I believe with a little determination, we civilized people can overcome any past events that may get in the way of ameliorating a friendship. Call me ambitious. Call me fanciful. I think we could make it work. And I want to be someone who has a voice who can help with these things.

Rebuilding our economy

Ok. We've gotten past the worst and have gotten back on our feet after this war. The question is, when can we get rid of that cane? I know some people who are now trying to do some cool stuff. Like make free Q5 hospitals for the US. now if we could maybe get the government to give subsidies to these awesome people. Or you know. Things like that.

Old ideas

Slightly higher taxes for rebuilding
(Besides raising the minimum wage) Raise well-being of new citizens through revitalized government programs

And there is more I would be glad to talk about more in detail if you private message me. I am on everyday to answer any questions you have (even if not related to my campaign and simply to gameplay)

I want to be a considerate, active congressman for America. I have tried before to get into Congress, but have failed. However, I am more experienced in this game, understand game mechanics, and am even now a joint company owner. I hope you consider what I have to say in the links and here. Vote this up please. And help get the word out about my honest intentions.

And most importantly...Ask me questions I want to answer all your questions. Thank you! And this is milestailsprower for you! Signing out!

Exeunt stage right!

-milestailsprower -- USWP ticket -- West Virginia