Me? Congress? Who is 'me'?

Day 764, 22:39 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Me? Congress? Who is "me"?

It's milestailsprower! For Illinois! Who are YOU voting for?
Born on day 451, I have been in 3 political parties, allowing me to become a well informed, balanced candidate.

Ok, but what qualifies someone like YOU for congress?

Well, I've been an active member of eRepublik for a long time now, having participated in everything from the eUSA military, to joint-ownership of a company, to working dirt cheap to make Q5 hospitals, and even having ran for Congress twice before. I have recently retired from the army and now wish to finally become more involved in politics. With all of my experience, it's about time I did something more useful with it!

What do you plan to do in Congress?

I am very interested in dealing with economics (it will be my college major), so I will either work with budgeting, or infrastructure, wherever I am needed. The important thing is that I feel qualified to work in either area.

Budgeting: Simply put, we need to lower our income and VAT taxes. Our citizens and businesses work hard and already use a lot of their money to help our economy. To ensure a deficit does not occur, raising the import taxes would help offset our loss in the treasury and encourage citizens to buy domestic products. We DO need to help our government with military training, just to make sure our country is more prepared for whatever may come at us. Not to mention that we are already on a liberation campaign in Asia.

Infrastructure: As I said before, we must be prepared to defend our nation the next time it is attacked! This means more Q5 hospitals and defense systems, but mostly in highly populated areas (New York, Pennsylvania, etc) and in strategic spots, such as places with high resources. Also, we do not need to spend EXCESSIVELY on infrastrucure, as sometimes, the war mechanism actually favors retreating in order to regain an initiative, in which case we don't want to retreat a region with our hospital in it!

Other affairs: I still intend on some of my original ideas, such as a referendum organization, rebuilding ties with old enemies, and other grand ideas that are probably only a distant memory in the minds of those who remember my older campaigns. If you need to know anymore, PLEASE PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS.

I want to be the best Congressman for you. Give me your input, because I expect a lot of it!

Thank you for your time. I greatly appreciate it!

-milestailsprower (IlliNOISE man! I'm makin' a ruckus!)


And! Almost forgot. I'm running on the AAP party ticket, even though I haven't been sanctioned by them. That is I just need to be in a top 5 party so I'm running with them...yeah, I'm not exactly sure how that works...