Ludgate loses in Close election

Day 4,064, 01:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Keithunder

time=08:01 GMT
The system is simple plurality with no threshold

Mr Cherry..................... (The Unity Party) 44 votes 41.9%
Michael Ludgate............... (Pirate Cat Party) 41 votes 39.%
King Simba.................... (British Patriots) 14 votes 13.3%
adamjay....................... (Gay Supreme Union) 6 votes 5.7%

Total Votes= 105 (-9)
Estimated Quota= 42.5
Projected Winner
Mr Cherry

Projected Losers
Michael Ludgate
King Simba

Last time results
Huey George................... (The Unity Party) 79 votes 69.3%
Leo Balzac.................... (Rubbish Party) 26 votes 22.8%
Mr Immanuel Kant.............. (Plaid Cymru) 7 votes 6.1%
Sambo223...................... (eRep Stole Your Sperm) 2 votes 1.8%

votes vs Party members
Mr Cherry..................... (The Unity Party) 44 votes from 51=86.3%
Michael Ludgate............... (Pirate Cat Party) 41 votes from 37=110.8%
King Simba.................... (British Patriots) 14 votes from 23=60.9%
adamjay....................... (Gay Supreme Union) 6 votes from 2=300.%