Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

Day 1,344, 23:02 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

Hello All!

I promised you that I would set the record straight as to the recent events which have puzzled some of you. I will now give you the full and complete truth behind the series of unfortunate events which has recently occurred and the reason why I am asking all to relocate to this party:

Several weeks before the last Party Presidential Elections, N I K A N came to me and offered to make me his Vice President. We had been friendly for quite some time and had planned a partnership to make the Libertarian Party the greatest in the country and lift it out of mediocrity. Additionally, Iasov(now known as Neo Iasov) had returned to the game claiming to be my friend and wanting to assist. These two "friends" would soon turn out to not be so trustworthy.

When it came time for the Party Presidential Elections, I PM'd my support for N I K A N(despite my deep regret of not being able to endorse a friend of mine who I am happy I was able to redeem myself with yesterday) while the party elites such as Marxus PM'd for Jamarcus. The result was a resounding victory for N I K A N. He would later claim that I had no significant part in his win, despite the fact that so many of the members of the party are friends of mine and members of the AED Militia.

After he had secured power, his attitude quickly began to shift. It was clear that since he was now in power, he was not intent on keeping any promises made before. He told me that I could only be Vice President in secret and would not give me any influence or access to our balloting process for Congress(this was totally contrary to my explicit conditions when I agreed to support him) and would just be "Director of Fun" which he then blasted me for not fulfilling during the first week of his term when I had horrible internet access in the boonies of Western Massachusetts.

Despite the fact that I commanded more respect and support than the former Party President of the party, he decided that I was expendable and he could break promises he had made before. Not only would he lie about important things, but he at first told me that he had lived in California for the first 20+ years of his life and only recently moved to Croatia and spoke almost no Croatian. Those of you who read his writing know that while his english is good, sometimes he writes things in ways that those who have english as their first language would not do. He later revised his story to claim that he had lived the last 2/3rds of his life in Croatia and was young when he left the USA. Someone who is a serial liar even about irrelevant things CANNOT be trusted.

Whenever I would try to talk to the "Director of Elections" who did absolutely nothing I might add, Jerseygirldani, Iasov would get annoyed, eventually using this as an excuse to label me a "stalker" and allowing Pfeiffer to ban me from the channel and then permanently banning me from the #uslp chat room and removing my high, protected access level. Marxus soon followed with his own ban and removal of my access in #lib, the leadership channel of the party. When I confronted N I K A N about this, he refused to do anything, despite their promises to reverse the action if the Party President insisted, claiming that he had no jurisdiction over IRC channels, which was complete nonsense.

On the last day to declare for Congress, July 23rd, the final straw was drawn. I had noticed that the state I was assigned, Nebraska, had suspicious activity. N I K A N insisted that the UIP candidate there was not authorized to be there, and that it would be me and a Lib blocker nomination. I found this extremely suspicious and demanded to see the official party and FEC lists. He refused. I switched to Colorado five minutes before reset because everything that had led up to this moment told me that N I K A N could no longer be trusted. He then used this as an excuse that I was not trustworthy and that I was a "PTO", and then conveniently showed me my name on the Libertarian spreadsheet AFTER server reset when I had been asking to see it all day long. As Marxus and Cromstar(who is in the same league as Pfeiffer in terms of villains) were heading up FEC, I was in my right mind to be skeptical over them permitting N I K A N to put me on the final ballot at all.

As you saw on Election Day, I did not save enough votes for myself after securing some seats for deserving friends because of the strong PTO effort orchestrated by Libertarian leaders, Federalist PP Soren Nelson, and help from others who were threatening such as USWP PP Josh Frost, who also by the way, bragged about sniping in INCI candidates. It was very nice of Marxus too to take the best ballot slot available, that of California where the large number of wildcards virtually guaranteed a Libertarian would be elected from that state. This was the final straw. After a long series of lies, deceptions, and corruption within this party, it is time that we sever our ties and stand on our own two feet.

I hope everything has been adequately explained. My only crime is being too trustworthy. In the future, only those who have proven that they are honest and honorable people will receive that consideration, and you can thank people like this who take advantage of my generous nature. For those of you who are intelligent and see through all the lies and deceptions, thank you for your trust in me. I hope you will all take a larger role as we work to make our militia and our revamped party stronger.

To higher ground!

Pizza The Hut
General of the Army *****
American Eagle Division
UMA Acting Party President

So PTOers, do you want our party? Only if you can get it....